
Moroccan Oases Ravaged by Fires: 172,000 Palm Trees Lost Since 2009

Morocco's treasured oases have faced a rising threat from wildfires, with 172,000 palm trees consumed by blazes since 2009, the National Agency for the Development of Oasis and Argan Regions (ANDZOA) reports. The fires, spanning 1,423 hectares, have intensified alarmingly, particularly from 2009......

Morocco's Fiscal Outlook: Fitch Ratings Predicts Deficit Reduction by 2026

Projected Spending Cuts and Fiscal Strategies Signal Optimism Amid Challenges Morocco is on a path to reduce its fiscal deficit over the next few years, according to a new report from Fitch Ratings. The credit rating agency forecasts that the North African nation’s fiscal deficit will decrease......

Moroccan Students Blocked from International Mathematics Olympiad Due to Visa Delays

Visa delays have dashed the hopes of 16 Moroccan high school students who were set to showcase their mathematical prowess at the 2024 International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) in England. Despite rigorous preparations spanning three years, these talented individuals are unable to represent Morocco on......

Moroccan Health Workers Launch Five-Day Strike Amid Government Inaction

Healthcare professionals intensify efforts, holding the government accountable for the sector's decline. In a significant move, the National Coordination of Health Sector Unions has announced a nationwide strike starting today and extending through Friday. This action includes a pivotal sit-in scheduled......

Historic Moroccan Gem in Seville Falls Prey to Vandals

In a distressing turn of events, the iconic Morocco Pavilion, a cherished remnant of Seville's 1929 Ibero-American Exposition, has become the latest target of criminal activity. Spanish media outlets report that the architectural masterpiece, recently entrusted to Pablo de Olavide University (UPO),......

Echoes of the Past: Exploring Morocco's Historic Jewish Quarters

In the heart of Morocco's ancient cities, behind crumbling walls and weathered gates, lie the silent remnants of once-vibrant communities. These are the Mellahs, Morocco's historic Jewish quarters, now largely abandoned but still rich with the echoes of centuries past. The term "Mellah"......

Moroccan ‘Mickey Mat’ Wins Best Screenplay Award at Valencia Screenwriters Fest

In the world of cinema, where every script battles for a chance to shine, Moroccan talents El Mahdi L Youni and Yasmine Bennani have found success with their latest work. Moroccan cinema stole the spotlight at the 27th edition of the Valencia International Screenwriters and Composers Festival, which......

Financial Barrier Grows for Moroccan Students Aspiring to Study in Germany

Effective September 2024, Germany will increase the financial requirement for international students, including Moroccans, aiming to pursue their education in the country. The revised blocked account threshold will rise from €11,208 to €11,904 annually. Starting September 1, 2024, international......

Moroccan Coast Guard Rescues 196 Migrants from Stranded Canoe

On a recent Saturday, a Royal Navy patrol boat conducted a dramatic rescue operation, saving 196 sub-Saharan migrants from a failing canoe approximately 157 kilometers northwest of Dakhla. The migrants, en route to the Canary Islands, encountered severe difficulties that necessitated urgent intervention.......