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Moroccan Oases Ravaged by Fires: 172,000 Palm Trees Lost Since 2009

Tuesday 23 July 2024 - 11:40
Moroccan Oases Ravaged by Fires: 172,000 Palm Trees Lost Since 2009

Morocco's treasured oases have faced a rising threat from wildfires, with 172,000 palm trees consumed by blazes since 2009, the National Agency for the Development of Oasis and Argan Regions (ANDZOA) reports.

The fires, spanning 1,423 hectares, have intensified alarmingly, particularly from 2009 to June 2024. The provinces of Tata, Errachidia, and Guelmim have been the hardest hit, suffering 82% of the total burned area. Each fire, on average, devastates 0.6 hectares and about 72 palm trees.

Despite an 83% recovery rate for damaged palms, the scale of destruction remains a pressing concern. The primary culprits behind this surge in fires are climate change and evolving local living habits, according to ANDZOA.

Shift in Habits Fuels Disaster

Traditionally, residents utilized palm wood for cooking, which inadvertently controlled the accumulation of fronds and pruning debris. However, the shift to gas bottles for cooking and heating has left massive amounts of palm wood to pile up, creating a significant fire hazard within the oases.

Additionally, inadequate pruning and cleaning have exacerbated the situation, leading to an increase in dry fronds and nests that can easily ignite and spread fires. These factors, coupled with desertification and drought, threaten the productivity and sustainability of the oases.

ANDZOA's Comprehensive Response

In response to this growing threat, ANDZOA is leading a series of projects aimed at enhancing the territorial and natural resilience of Moroccan oases and bolstering fire prevention efforts. Developed in collaboration with various stakeholders and guided by recommendations from the Ministry of Agriculture, this initiative seeks to mitigate fire risks through an extensive program.

Key components of the program include:

- Awareness Campaigns: Intensive campaigns from May to September, alongside the installation of awareness boards.
- Preventive Measures: Assistance with cleaning dry nests, distribution of saplings, and enhancement of palm residues.
- Local Support: Strengthening local organizations with rapid response equipment.
- Infrastructure Improvements: Improving access and intervention pathways within the oases, increasing the network of water points with fire hydrants, and providing machines for shredding and valuing palm residues.

These efforts aim to safeguard the oases' future, preserving their ecological and economic importance. The collective action of local residents, government bodies, and environmental organizations will be crucial in ensuring these measures succeed in protecting Morocco's vital oases from the relentless threat of fires.

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