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Morocco Transitions from 'Million Schoolbags' to Direct Financial Aid for Families

Thursday 25 July 2024 - 13:30
Morocco Transitions from 'Million Schoolbags' to Direct Financial Aid for Families

In a significant policy shift, the Moroccan government has decided to replace the longstanding "Million Schoolbags" program with a new initiative that provides direct financial support to families. This change, set to begin in September 2024, aims to offer more flexible assistance to families as they prepare for the school year.

Direct Financial Support for School Expenses

Starting this fall, families with children enrolled in primary or middle school will receive MAD 200 per child annually, while those with high school students will receive MAD 300 per child. The financial aid will be distributed once a year, specifically in September, to help cover the costs associated with the beginning of the school term.

Legislative Framework and Implementation

The new decree, formally recognized as Decree No. 2.24.706, modifies Decree No. 2.23.1067, initially established on December 1, 2023. This update is part of the broader implementation of Law No. 58.23, which focuses on providing direct social support to Moroccan families.

Targeted Support for Public School Students

The financial aid is earmarked exclusively for families with children attending public educational institutions, with a maximum cap of six children per family. This measure is designed to alleviate the financial strain on low-income households during the back-to-school period, ensuring that more families can afford essential school supplies and materials.

Extension of Royal Initiatives

A statement from the ministry responsible for relations with Parliament emphasizes that this new initiative extends the royal "Million Schoolbags" program. By shifting to direct financial assistance, the government aims to provide more targeted and effective support to families, thereby enhancing the overall educational experience for students across the country.

The transition from the "Million Schoolbags" program to direct financial aid marks a pivotal change in Morocco's approach to supporting education. By providing families with the resources they need to prepare for the school year, the Moroccan government is taking a significant step towards improving educational outcomes and reducing financial burdens on households.

This new policy reflects a commitment to adapting and improving social support mechanisms, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed academically. As the country moves forward with this initiative, it will be essential to monitor its impact on families and the broader educational landscape.

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