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WeTransfer's Extended Deadlines: A Temporary Relief for Users

Thursday 22 August 2024 - 12:15
WeTransfer's Extended Deadlines: A Temporary Relief for Users

WeTransfer's Download Extensions: A Temporary Relief for Users

In a recent announcement, WeTransfer introduced a feature allowing users to extend file download deadlines, sparking some initial confusion. The file-sharing platform, known for its time-sensitive links, now offers a temporary extension option via its mobile app, varying by user plan. However, despite claims that links "will no longer expire," users must actively save links to avoid expiration.

This update addresses a long-standing frustration for creatives who often miss downloading files before links expire. Although the new feature provides a reprieve, users still need to manage their downloads proactively. The app’s “Save for Now” feature enables users to bookmark links, easing the process of managing downloads amidst busy schedules.

TechCrunch reports that free account holders can extend link expirations from three to seven days using the app. This comes after WeTransfer’s acquisition by Bending Spoons, an Italy-based company with a portfolio including Evernote and Meetup. CEO Alexandar Vassilev highlighted the platform's growth to 600,000 subscribers and 80 million monthly users.

This development offers a practical solution for many, but vigilance remains key to ensuring important files don't vanish unexpectedly.

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