Surge in Moroccan Media Output: Imperium's August 2024 Report Highlights Key Trends

Surge in Moroccan Media Output: Imperium's August 2024 Report Highlights Key Trends
Saturday 28 September 2024 - 09:33

In a recent analysis, the Moroccan consulting firm Imperium has unveiled significant insights into the media landscape for August 2024. The report indicates a remarkable 23.7% increase in media publications compared to the same month last year, totaling over  136,300 articles across various media platforms. This surge reflects a renewed vigor in content production, even as it marks a 23.3% decline  from July 2024's figures. On average, the daily media output has surpassed  4,396 articles, translating to over  141 publications per hour.

Digital Media Dominance

The online press continues to lead Morocco's media scene, accounting for an impressive 81.11% of all publications, which equates to around 110,500 articles a 32.5% increase from August 2023. The report also notes a 10.3% rise in the number of broadcasts and publications from national radio stations, with over 6,593 programs  recorded during this period.

Diverse Media Landscape

An examination of the various media formats reveals that 1,118 outlets, including 56 print newspapers and 1,062 websites, contributed to the content landscape in August 2024. Among these, Walaw.Press emerged as the leading publisher with 10,220 articles, followed closely by Inews.ma and Fluxpress.net.

In terms of language distribution, Arabic remains predominant, comprising 72.6% of published articles, while French accounts for 20.41%. Other languages including English, Amazigh, and Spanish make up a combined total of 6.99%, with English leading this group at 41%.

Key Themes in Coverage

Sporting events have captured the most media attention, with 12,470 articles dedicated to this topic a notable rise of 42.57% compared to the previous year. The 2024 Olympic Games were particularly highlighted in the coverage. Political news followed closely behind, generating over 11,140 articles, alongside discussions surrounding banking and finance sectors.

This comprehensive analysis underscores a robust dynamism within Morocco's national press, showcasing not only a variety of platforms but also a wide array of topics covered despite notable monthly fluctuations in output.

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