
Louis Vuitton's Watermelon T-Shirt: Fashion Statement or Political Misstep?

In the realm of high fashion, even the simplest design choices can spark intense controversy. Louis Vuitton, the renowned French luxury brand, has found itself at the center of a storm with the release of an $820 white cotton jersey T-shirt featuring a watermelon motif as part of its spring-summer 2024......

Balenciaga's "Moroccan Belgha" Slippers Spark Heated Debate Over Cultural Appropriation

In the dynamic realm of high fashion, Balenciaga, a luxury brand, finds itself amidst a contentious discussion ignited by its latest slipper design, which bears a striking resemblance to the iconic Moroccan "belgha." This controversy has rekindled ongoing debates surrounding cultural appropriation......

Finding Harmony in Ramadan: Balancing Beauty and Piety

During the sacred month of Ramadan, Muslims worldwide embark on a journey that intertwines the pursuit of elegance with the depth of spiritual devotion. This period encapsulates a delicate equilibrium, where outward beauty harmonizes with inner piety, creating a runway of life adorned with simplicity......