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Stranded in Istanbul: Royal Air Maroc Faces Operational Hurdles Amid Passenger Outcry

Thursday 22 August 2024 - 12:45
Stranded in Istanbul: Royal Air Maroc Faces Operational Hurdles Amid Passenger Outcry

Royal Air Maroc (RAM) is facing intense scrutiny after a series of operational mishaps, the most recent leaving passengers stranded in Istanbul for over 24 hours. This incident has sparked significant concern about the airline's reliability and crisis management skills.

The ordeal began when a RAM flight, operated by the Portuguese low-cost carrier Hi Fly, was scheduled to depart from Istanbul to Casablanca. What seemed like a routine journey quickly turned into chaos as passengers spent hours on the tarmac without air conditioning. The flight was ultimately canceled due to technical issues, leaving passengers with minimal support or information from the airline.

“We’ve been stranded in Istanbul for over 24 hours with no information, no assistance, and no RAM representative in sight,” one passenger said, requesting anonymity. The passenger criticized RAM’s decision to subcontract flights to Hi Fly, arguing it compromises both safety and service quality.

This dissatisfaction highlights broader issues within RAM's operations. The reliance on subcontracted carriers, like Hi Fly, presents a double-edged sword: potential cost savings versus the risk of undermining expected high standards.

“We paid high-season prices for RAM service but ended up on a low-cost carrier plagued by repeated technical failures. It raises serious questions about RAM's commitment to safety and transparency,” the passenger added.

Efforts to obtain comments from Royal Air Maroc have been met with silence. Interviews and official statements have not been responded to at the time of writing.

The Istanbul crisis underscores significant gaps in RAM's crisis management protocols. Passengers reported being left without updates for long periods, with no visible efforts from the airline to manage frustration.

“The lack of transparency and communication was appalling,” the passenger said. “It’s as if they’ve forgotten about us entirely.”

This incident is particularly damaging for RAM as it strives to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and regain its competitive edge in the global market. The situation suggests struggles in maintaining operational reliability and customer service, crucial to the airline’s reputation.

Using subcontracted airlines like Hi Fly has put RAM’s broader operational strategy under the spotlight. While chartering external aircraft offers cost savings and flexibility, it also introduces risks when subcontracted carriers don't meet RAM's standards.

The technical failures and delays experienced highlight these potential downsides. The situation worsened when passengers learned their rescheduled flight was also canceled, again without clear communication or alternatives.

“We’ve been waiting for over 24 hours now, and the best-case scenario is that we might take off in another 48 hours, but no guarantees have been given,” the frustrated passenger said.

For an airline positioning itself prominently in African and international aviation, such lapses and silence are damaging to its brand, potentially affecting customer loyalty and trust long-term.

As RAM navigates these turbulent times, the pressing question remains: Can the airline regain passenger trust and restore its standing as Morocco’s flagship carrier? The answer lies in addressing these challenges transparently and making necessary changes to operations and communication.

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