Saudi Arabia Reaffirms Support for Morocco's Autonomy Initiative in the Sahara

Saudi Arabia Reaffirms Support for Morocco's Autonomy Initiative in the Sahara
Tuesday 08 - 08:03

At the United Nations in New York, Saudi Arabia has once again voiced its support for Morocco's proposed autonomy plan as a means to resolve the long-standing regional dispute over the Sahara. This initiative is seen as a way to uphold the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom.

Speaking before the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, the Saudi Arabian representative emphasized their country's unwavering commitment to the Moroccan autonomy initiative for the Sahara. They stressed that this proposal is a legitimate solution in line with international law and the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly.

Furthermore, the representative made it clear that Saudi Arabia stands firmly against any infringement on the supreme interests, territorial integrity, and national sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco.

The diplomat also expressed Saudi Arabia's support for Morocco's efforts to find a realistic political solution to the issue of the Moroccan Sahara. This solution, they believe, should be based on compromise and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, under the supervision of the UN Secretary-General.

This development is significant as it highlights the international community's recognition of Morocco's efforts to bring a peaceful resolution to the Sahara issue. Saudi Arabia's endorsement adds weight to the autonomy initiative as a potential pathway to a lasting solution, respecting Morocco's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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