Nuclear's Next Generation: A Glimpse into Tomorrow's Reactors

Nuclear's Next Generation: A Glimpse into Tomorrow's Reactors
Wednesday 24 January 2024 - 09:44

While nuclear power technology is not new, the industry is experiencing rapid innovation. Within this sector, "advanced nuclear" is an umbrella term encompassing anything beyond standard commercial reactors. These advanced nuclear reactors explore different approaches, such as cooling methods, fuels, size modularity, and more, providing a window into the potential future of nuclear energy.

A Technological Renaissance Inspired by the Past

Currently, approximately 70 companies in the United States are developing novel reactor designs, with six or seven of them advancing enough to collaborate with nuclear safety regulatory agencies. This insight comes from Jessica Lovering, co-founder and Executive Director of the Good Energy Collective, with the main US regulator being the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Interestingly, some technologies being researched today were already known 50 years ago. However, there is a renewed interest in these concepts, breathing new life into the field. The modern takes on nuclear technology aim to enhance reactor safety and efficiency while driving down operating costs.

While standard reactors typically use pressurized or boiling water for cooling, alternative methods are being explored. One innovative approach involves the use of molten salt, an idea that was experimented with in the 1960s in the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) in the US. Several companies, including Kairos Power, Terrestrial Energy, and Moltex, are revisiting this design.

In addition to molten salt, liquid metals like sodium or lead are being considered as viable cooling options compared to conventional methods. Russia is at the forefront of research in this area, heavily investing in lead-cooled reactors to determine if they can outperform traditional ones.

New Fuels and the Rise of Small Modular Reactors

Beyond cooling methods, research is focused on alternative nuclear fuels that can enhance fission. Most commercial reactors currently use uranium-235, uranium-238, plutonium-239, or thorium-232, depending on the reactor.

One rapidly emerging technology is tristructural-isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles, which contain uranium coated in protective layers of ceramic and carbon. The key benefit of TRISO fuel particles is their high resistance to melting and corrosion. Companies like Kairos and X-energy are incorporating them into certain reactors.

Some reactors are also leveraging high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU), which contains 5-20% U-235 content. This allows compact reactors to generate more power and is safer to handle than plain U-235.

Additionally, the concept of small modular reactors (SMRs) is gaining traction, potentially transforming the nuclear landscape. As the name suggests, SMRs are smaller than conventional reactors and can be factory-built as prefabricated units. Considered a top contender to replace traditional reactors, SMRs offer easier financing, flexibility, and enhanced safety due to their smaller size. NuScale, an American company, is a leader in SMRs, but China is also making significant strides in this area.

The nuclear industry is at the cusp of radical change. After decades of developing largely identical plants, current research shows that viable alternatives exist. The industry is making progress in designing reactors that are safer and more efficient, with new fuels and cooling methods being explored and the promise of SMRs on the rise. The future looks bright for nuclear's next generation

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