Morocco's Pioneering Journey: Sustaining Human Rights in a Global Landscape

Morocco's Pioneering Journey: Sustaining Human Rights in a Global Landscape
Thursday 07 December 2023 - 16:00

As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, King Mohammed VI of Morocco reinforces the nation's unwavering commitment to the lofty principles enshrined in this landmark document.

Addressing an international symposium in Rabat, the King highlighted the global community's collective shortfall in fully realizing the aspirations articulated in the Declaration. Against the backdrop of a volatile global context fraught with threats to security, stability, and prosperity, the King stressed the urgent need to renew pledges for the protection of vulnerable groups, particularly those facing precarious conditions.

Acknowledging the progress achieved thus far, the King emphasized the importance of identifying lingering inadequacies and challenges on the prolonged journey towards universal human rights. Morocco, he asserted, has carved a distinctive path in this regard, with its evolving model influencing international efforts and discourse on human rights.

At the domestic level, Morocco has entrenched human rights principles at the apex of its Constitution, establishing them as a defining pillar of public policy. The King reiterated his personal commitment to fortifying both human rights and institutions, ranking it second only to reinforcing the rule of law.

In alignment with this commitment, Morocco has initiated substantial structural reforms to ensure universal access to healthcare and social services for all citizens. Furthermore, two decades after the enactment of the Family Code, comprehensive consultations are underway to safeguard the rights of women and children.

While celebrating achievements, the King underscored the imperative for increased commitment to address current challenges and prepare for future ones. Emphasizing that the advancement of political and civil liberties must parallel efforts to secure economic, social, and cultural rights, he outlined the holistic approach essential for sustained progress.

On this significant anniversary, Morocco aims to build upon the gains made since the Declaration, steadfast in its proactive and constructive efforts to uphold human dignity. In doing so, Morocco not only reaffirms its commitment to the principles of human rights but also sets a pioneering example for the global community to follow.

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