Morocco Adopts Stricter Cigarette Regulations from 2024 Onward

Morocco Adopts Stricter Cigarette Regulations from 2024 Onward
Wednesday 27 December 2023 - 15:45

Commencing January 1, 2024, a set of new regulations governing the composition of cigarettes available in Morocco will be enforced, according to an announcement by the Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (ADII).

In its most recent statement, the ADII has communicated that the stipulations detailed in Decree No. 2-21-235, dated September 18, 2021, outlining the maximum levels of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide permitted in cigarettes sold in the Moroccan market, will be in effect from January 1, 2024.

As per the ADII, these maximum levels have been established at 10 mg for tar, 1 mg for nicotine, and 10 mg for carbon monoxide. It underscores that cigarettes available in Morocco must adhere to these specified limits.

To ensure conformity with the new standards applicable to cigarettes marketed in Morocco, all imported or locally produced cigarettes, starting from January 1, 2024, must be accompanied by the results of analyses conducted by recognized and proficient laboratories in the field.

Furthermore, it is crucial to note that the aforementioned decree designates the ADII as the entity responsible for monitoring the prescribed levels in imported or locally produced cigarettes.

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