Moroccan Workers Lead Non-EU Social Security Enrollment in Spain

Moroccan Workers Lead Non-EU Social Security Enrollment in Spain
Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 11:12

A recent report from the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration unveils the significant presence of Moroccan workers as the predominant group among non-European Union (EU) affiliates to Spain's social security system. As of March's conclusion, a substantial cohort of 337,490 Moroccans had enrolled as contributors, firmly establishing them as the largest contingent of foreign workers outside the EU participating in Spain's social security framework.

Following Moroccans, Colombians (189,024) and Venezuelans (150,984) trail in non-EU social security enrollments in Spain. The cumulative count of foreign workers affiliated with the Spanish social security system reached 2,734,119 by March's end, marking a 2.3% uptick compared to the preceding month.

Among these foreign social security contributors, 1,849,236 individuals (67.6%) originate from non-EU countries, while 884,882 (32.4%) hail from EU member states. Notably, the report underscores a notable 43.6% increase in Ukrainian registrations, with 67,846 Ukrainians now enrolled in the Spanish social security system since the onset of the conflict in their homeland.

Regionally, March witnessed an overall uptick in the average enrollment of foreigners across most autonomous communities, with exceptions noted in Navarra, La Rioja, and Castilla-La Mancha. Andalusia experienced the most significant absolute monthly increase, welcoming 18,982 new foreign affiliates (+4.05%), trailed by Catalonia with an additional 11,267 workers, and the Balearic Islands, which saw a rise of 10,426 foreign enrollments.

These findings underscore the indispensable role played by non-EU migrant workers, particularly those from Morocco, in sustaining Spain's social security system and labor market. As Spain adapts to the evolving dynamics of its foreign workforce, these insights illuminate the shifting demographic and economic landscapes shaping the nation's social fabric.

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