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Illicit Real Estate Dealings: Financial Intelligence Authority Probes Suspicious Transactions

Thursday 30 May 2024 - 14:45
Illicit Real Estate Dealings: Financial Intelligence Authority Probes Suspicious Transactions

In a proactive move to combat financial crimes, the National Financial Intelligence Authority (ANRF) has received thousands of suspicious activity reports from notaries, raising concerns over potential money laundering activities within the real estate sector. These reports highlight dubious practices, particularly in the cities of Tangier, Kenitra, Bouznika, and Casablanca. Consequently, the competent public prosecutor's office has initiated in-depth investigations to identify and prosecute individuals involved in these suspect transactions.

The ANRF's decision to escalate the matter to the public prosecutor's office follows mounting evidence suggesting large-scale money laundering operations tied to the real estate industry. The investigation has been entrusted to the bureau responsible for combating economic and financial crimes, which falls under the purview of the National Judicial Police Brigade (BNPJ).

According to reports, the ANRF has received over 5,000 suspicious transaction reports, prompting the authority to forward 54 dossiers to the relevant public prosecutor's offices. Notaries, real estate agents, and banking institutions have alerted the ANRF to possible cases of money laundering in the real estate sector, particularly along the Tangier-Jadida axis.

Media reports have highlighted how "anonymous funds are flowing into real estate projects" in cities like Tangier, Kenitra, Bouznika, and Casablanca. Kenitra, in particular, has come under scrutiny due to the rapid development of its real estate sector. Consequently, the ANRF has referred several dossiers involving real estate developers to the public prosecutor's office to investigate the origins of funds used in certain projects within the city.

In response to these concerns, the presidency of the public prosecutor's office has placed a high priority on addressing this issue, urging the King's public prosecutors across the country to instruct the judicial police to conduct financial investigations into money laundering crimes upon receiving notifications.

As part of its anti-money laundering policy, the public prosecutor's office can seek assistance from the ANRF to gather relevant evidence and clues to further the investigations. Additionally, it has the authority to seize or freeze funds in cases of suspected money laundering. The courts of first instance in Casablanca, Fez, and Marrakech will be granted territorial jurisdiction to investigate money laundering crimes, a prerogative previously reserved for the court of first instance in Rabat.

Notably, in the framework of cooperation with the public prosecutor's office and the National Council of Notaries, the council's president has sent a letter to all Moroccan notaries, urging them to remain vigilant and report any suspicious real estate transactions. Furthermore, following the publication of a decree, Fatima Zahraa Al Mansouri, Minister of Housing, Urban Planning, and City Policy, has called upon notaries and real estate agents to report suspected cases of money laundering in the real estate sector.

It is worth recalling that during the presentation of the ANRF's annual report by its president, Jawhar Nfissi, to the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, on April 3, 2024, the ANRF received a total of 5,208 suspicious transaction reports related to money laundering in 2022, representing a 52.7% increase compared to the previous year.

The banking sector was the primary source of suspicious activity reports in 2022, accounting for 34.4% of the declarations received. Payment institutions followed closely with 29.7% of the declarations. The year 2022 also witnessed an increased involvement of the non-financial sector in the reporting process.

As the investigations unfold, all eyes are on the collaborative efforts between the ANRF, the public prosecutor's office, and the relevant authorities to unravel the intricate web of illicit financial activities plaguing the real estate sector. The crackdown on money laundering serves as a resounding testament to Morocco's unwavering commitment to upholding financial integrity and fostering a transparent and accountable business environment.

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