Daily Press Review - Monday, January 8, 2024

Daily Press Review - Monday, January 8, 2024
Monday 08 January 2024 - 08:59


Education sector... Innovations in the Unified Status

The new version of the Unified Status for teachers has been presented to the unions after lengthy negotiations between the government and social partners. Unions are invited to provide their final observations by January 15, as set by Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch. Notable changes include lowering the age limit for entering the profession to 30 instead of 45 and integrating cadre teachers from the Regional Academies of Education and Training (AREF) into the Civil Service. The Status also specifies that all teachers are civil servants, whether they work in the central sector, regional academies, or other establishments. The weekly working hours will be determined by ministerial decree in collaboration with the permanent commission for curriculum and program revision and adaptation. The text also introduces professional incentive measures, including specific allowance increases for teachers outside the regular scale, the creation of a grade reserved for aggregated teachers in 2024, and rewards such as Professional Merit Awards. According to the Minister of National Education, Chakib Benmoussa, this new Status is crucial for implementing the education reform outlined in the 2022-2026 roadmap.



Morocco Embraces Digital Transformation to Achieve National Strategy Goals

In its efforts to uphold public life, Morocco is turning towards digital transformation to achieve the goals of its national strategy for the prevention and fight against corruption (2015-2025), in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The fight against corruption benefits from digital evolution, according to the annual report of the National Authority for Probity, Prevention, and the Fight against Corruption (INPPLC) for the year 2022. Morocco advocates for a citizen-focused digital transformation, with a strategic framework ensuring a high level of support and strengthened governance. Efforts include improving the quality of public services, consolidating citizens' digital inclusion, and accompanying measures for change management. Morocco's international commitment, reflected in COP 28, underscores its active role in reducing fossil fuels. The INPPLC calls for a strategic approach, citizen-oriented transformation, and accompanying measures to ensure the success of digital transformation while strengthening the fight against corruption.



EMPLOYMENT: Recruitment Requests Rise by 14%

The job market in Morocco records a remarkable growth of 14% in 2023, according to the annual Rekrute barometer. The sectors of banking, finance, and distribution dominate recruitments. The most demanded functions remain in information technology and electronics, representing 24% of the overall demand. The data indicate a positive trend in the employment landscape, with a strong demand for specialized profiles.



Food Security in Focus at Scientific Conference in Oujda

The 10th annual conference of the Center for Human and Social Studies and Research in Oujda (CERHSO) focuses on the theme of food security and its challenges in the era of transformations. The conference aims to analyze the impacts of multifaceted challenges on food sovereignty and agricultural policies. Emphasis is placed on addressing these issues in harmony with the Center's objectives, promoting scientific research on economic and environmental phenomena. The proceedings involve institutional actors, experts, and researchers, addressing topics such as food security, the blue economy, climate change, animal health, and transboundary diseases.



Car-Free Day in Parallel with the MIM

Marrakech takes the initiative to organize a car-free day in tandem with the Marrakech International Marathon. This action, led by the Grand Atlas Association in collaboration with the city, aims to raise awareness about the environment and promote sustainable modes of transportation. The city streets will be free of car traffic, encouraging citizens to rediscover the beauty of Marrakech by walking, cycling, or using public transportation. The chosen date, January 28, 2024, coincides with the Marrakech International Marathon, creating synergy between promoting a healthy lifestyle and celebrating sports in the context of sustainability.



Banks: Deposits Increase by 3.9%

According to Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), deposits with banks reached 1,141.9 billion dirhams at the end of November 2023, recording an annual increase of 3.9%. Household deposits increased by 4.8%, reaching 850 billion dirhams, with a significant contribution of 203.3 billion dirhams from Moroccans residing abroad (MRE). Deposits from private companies also increased by 5.8%, reaching 192.5 billion dirhams at the end of November. BAM publishes these data in its "credits - bank deposits" dashboard for November. Meanwhile, the interest rate for 12-month term deposits recorded a decrease of 23 basis points to 2.65%, and that of 6-month deposits decreased by 7 basis points to reach 2.37%. The minimum interest rate for savings accounts was set at 2.98% for the second half of 2023, representing an increase of 147 basis points compared to the previous semester.

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