Credit du Maroc and AMDIE Join Forces to Boost Investment in Morocco

Credit du Maroc and AMDIE Join Forces to Boost Investment in Morocco
Friday 24 November 2023 - 14:00

Agadir, November 22 - Credit du Maroc and the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development (AMDIE) sealed a partnership agreement on Wednesday with the aim of promoting investment opportunities in the Kingdom.

In a joint effort to operationalize the investment charter, the two institutions will collaborate on promotional and awareness initiatives, implementing joint actions to foster investment promotion, as per the official statement.

This partnership ceremony took place alongside an event organized by Credit du Maroc on the same day, themed "Investment Encounters: The Dynamics of Investment in the Southern Region."

Attended by the bank's clients and partners in the region, the gathering aimed to introduce local businesses to the various financing mechanisms and support systems available to facilitate the realization of their investment projects.

Expertise and Support for Development

Both institutions commit to leveraging their expertise and capabilities to provide Moroccan and foreign investors with the necessary assistance, support, and guidance for their development, ensuring a comprehensive approach to investment facilitation.






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