Architects Speak Out Against Casablanca's Bureaucratic Obstacles, Thwarting Investment

Architects Speak Out Against Casablanca's Bureaucratic Obstacles, Thwarting Investment
Wednesday 08 May 2024 - 17:05

Architects in Casablanca are forcefully speaking out against the pervasive bureaucratic hurdles that impede their profession, particularly concerning the municipality's handling of construction permits and occupancy certificates. The Architects' Order has condemned the obstacles encountered in obtaining these vital authorizations, accusing the director of the Unique Bureau of Urbanism of intentionally prolonging dossier processing for months, in clear violation of established laws and regulations, thereby obstructing investment promotion.

The architects of Morocco's economic capital find themselves increasingly ensnared in a dire situation regarding construction authorizations, exacerbating by the day. This predicament is especially challenging for the architectural community due to the hostile operating environment, significantly impeding investment efforts.

Architects are entangled in an administrative quagmire, ensnared by unsustainable construction authorization procedures that disregard the very laws and regulations they are intended to uphold, notably the provisions of the General Regulation of Construction. This state of affairs contradicts official directives aimed at encouraging investment and streamlining administrative procedures.

Despite numerous complaints and meetings with Mayor Nabila Rmili and the Wali (Governor) of the region, Mohamed Mhidia, the implicated official remains in her position. However, the municipal council reports a decision for revocation from the Ministry of Interior.

Confronted with this persistent situation, which significantly impacts investment in the economic capital, architects are unwavering in their commitment to eliminating the obstacles, delays, and abuses prevalent within certain administrations regarding construction authorizations and occupancy permits.

Moreover, the Central Council of the Architects' Order, deeply involved in architects' daily lives, cannot remain passive in the face of mounting complications that hinder the profession. Nor can it indefinitely sustain its resilience and patience, awaiting the establishment of a genuinely impartial single-window system.

Beyond mere promises, architects are demanding action, particularly from the municipality of Casablanca, which must fulfill its responsibilities given the urgency of the situation, to dismantle an unregulated system divorced from reality.

Only responsible and equitable governance can rebuild trust among all stakeholders and streamline the process of obtaining construction permits, which threatens to paralyze an already struggling sector.

In the face of this bureaucratic dilemma, the architects of Casablanca are sounding the alarm, calling for swift and decisive action to address the barriers that stifle investment and impede the economic vitality of Morocco's largest city.

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