Algeria Tightens Border Control: Visa Requirement for Moroccan Passport Holders Sparks Controversy

Algeria Tightens Border Control: Visa Requirement for Moroccan Passport Holders Sparks Controversy
Monday 07 - 08:50

In a move that has heightened tensions between two North African neighbors, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has defended his government's decision to reinstate visa requirements for Moroccan passport holders. During a recent interview with local media, Tebboune cited "political and security considerations" as the primary motivators behind this controversial policy shift.

The Algerian president expressed concerns about potential security risks, particularly regarding individuals entering Algeria with Moroccan passports. "There is a collaboration, not just a simple one... between the Zionist entity and Morocco," Tebboune stated, alluding to growing ties between Morocco and Israel. He emphasized that the security aspect was of paramount importance to Algeria.

Tebboune elaborated on his concerns, questioning the motives of certain individuals, possibly including Israeli nationals, entering Algeria using Moroccan passports. He specifically mentioned visits to strategic locations such as the ports of Oran and Mers El Kebir, suggesting that these activities could pose "a real danger" to Algeria's national security.

The Algerian president also referenced a previous announcement by his government regarding the alleged arrest of three Moroccan spies. "Some of them fled Algeria because they had fake Moroccan passports," Tebboune claimed, framing the visa reinstatement as "an act of self-defense" in this context.

This development marks a significant escalation in the already strained relations between Algeria and Morocco. The timing of the decision is particularly noteworthy, as it coincided with Denmark's announcement of support for Morocco's Autonomy Plan for Sahara.

Observers view Algeria's visa imposition as part of a broader strategy to counter Morocco's diplomatic advances. As Morocco continues to gain international backing for its position on the Sahara issue, Algeria appears to be intensifying its efforts to challenge its neighbor's growing influence in the region.

The visa requirement is seen as the latest in a series of retaliatory measures by Algeria, aimed at overshadowing Morocco's diplomatic successes. This move reflects the ongoing power struggle between the two nations and their competing interests in North Africa.

As tensions continue to simmer, the international community watches closely to see how this latest development will impact the delicate balance of power in the region. The visa requirement not only affects travel between the two countries but also serves as a symbolic gesture in the complex tapestry of Algerian-Moroccan relations.

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