Akhannouch Tops the Moroccan Media's List of Interests

Akhannouch Tops the Moroccan Media's List of Interests
Saturday 06 January 2024 - 13:08

A recent study, detailed by the electronic newspaper "Walaw," has unveiled Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch as the foremost concern in the Moroccan media landscape. In the month of December 2023 alone, he garnered attention with an impressive 10,051 articles.

Akhannouch's Dominance:
According to a comprehensive study conducted by Imperium, shedding light on media interest in prominent public figures, Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch outshone other figures in various classifications. This encompassed both his statements and activities in the government's presidency and the National Rally of Liberals party, accumulating over 10,000 newspaper articles.

Fouzi Lekjaa Claims Second Place:
Continuing with findings from the study by Imperium, Fouzi Lekjaa emerged as the second-most covered public figure. With 6,574 articles focusing on his interventions, statements, or activities, whether as Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget or at the Royal Moroccan Football League.

Nasser Bourita Follows Akhannouch and Lekjaa:
The Imperium study expanded its scope beyond public figures, also encompassing celebrities across various fields. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad, secured the third position with 6,299 newspaper articles. Media attention intensified following Bourita's interventions in December, particularly on the national issue of the Moroccan Sahara, hailing him as the lion of Moroccan diplomacy.

Chakib Benmoussa under the Media Spotlight:
In December, the Imperium study delved into detailed statistics of media interest in public figures, placing Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports, in fourth place. He drew attention with 5,891 articles, particularly amid the education crisis and protests in Morocco.

Younes Sekkouri in the Top 5:
Throughout 2023, media coverage remained focused on Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Enterprise, Employment, and Competencies. Accumulating 3,142 newspaper articles, Sekkouri's numerous outputs and movements made him a focal point for both written and electronic media. Notably, the most recent coverage highlighted the Minister's exemptions campaign within the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Enterprise, Employment, and Competencies.

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