Realizing Housing Dreams: Nearly 8,000 Moroccans Benefit from New Government Initiative

Realizing Housing Dreams: Nearly 8,000 Moroccans Benefit from New Government Initiative
Saturday 06 January 2024 - 08:33

In response to a novel government initiative providing direct housing support, an overwhelming wave of enthusiasm has emerged, as evidenced by the submission of over 8,000 applications within the initial days of its launch. According to data released by the Ministry of National Planning, Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy, an impressive 25% of the 7,961 applications received as of January 5 originated from Moroccans residing abroad.

These figures underscore a profound yearning for homeownership within the Moroccan community, both domestically and among those who have ventured overseas. While the majority, constituting 76% of applicants, currently live within Morocco, a significant quarter comprises individuals from the diaspora, emphasizing a widespread desire for a connection to their homeland.

The majority of prospective homebuyers have modest aspirations, as demonstrated by the fact that 68% of applications pertain to units priced under 300,000 Moroccan dirhams ($30,300). In contrast, only 32% of applicants are exploring the 300,000 to 700,000 dirham ($70,700) range.

This groundbreaking "Housing Support" program aims to enhance the feasibility of homeownership by offering subsidies. Eligibility criteria include units with permits issued after January 1, 2023, featuring a minimum of two rooms, and being a new construction sale. Recipients are obliged to utilize the residence as their primary home for five years, refraining from leasing or utilizing it for business purposes.

For Moroccans residing abroad, regulations stipulate that ownership must be retained within the family for five years, to be utilized by a spouse, descendants, or parents. Rigorous reimbursement terms are in place, strictly enforced by notaries, should the specified requirements not be fulfilled.

With the realization of over 8,000 dreams in progress, this innovative program undeniably strikes a chord. The prospect of owning a piece of Morocco is swiftly transforming into reality for thousands, providing them with a foundation for housing stability and a tangible connection to their roots.

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