Expulsions from France Soar to Record High in 2023, North Africa Emerges as Top Destination

Expulsions from France Soar to Record High in 2023, North Africa Emerges as Top Destination
Thursday 04 January 2024 - 16:18

In a press release on Thursday, the French Interior Ministry disclosed a staggering 30% increase in the expulsion of "criminal foreigners" from France in 2023 compared to the previous year, totaling 4,686 individuals.

The primary destinations for deportees were North Africa, followed by sub-Saharan Africa and Central Europe, according to official statistics.

The expelled individuals encompass those leaving "administrative retention centers" and those subject to "ministerial orders of expulsion," as clarified by the ministry.

It is crucial to note that the provided data excludes individuals expelled due to their inclusion in the Terrorist Radicalization Prevention File (FSPRT), which specifically tracks radicalized Islamists.

However, the Court of Auditors released a concurrent report on the same day, highlighting that France only successfully expels a "small minority" of foreigners obligated to leave French territory (OQTF), approximately one in ten. The auditors urged the state to enhance its organizational framework for a more effective approach.

The auditors' report scrutinized the existing strategy to combat irregular immigration, deeming it ineffective. They emphasized an overreliance on issuing OQTFs en masse, calling for a recalibration of the strategy.

In 2022, a staggering 153,042 removal measures were initiated, with 134,280 classified as OQTFs. Despite these substantial figures, only 11,406 individuals were expelled from France that year, of which 7,214 cases were classified as "forced removals." The stark contrast between the number of orders issued and the actual expulsions underscored the auditors' assertion of a need for a more organized and efficient approach.

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