Morocco-UK Partnership Flourishes in 2023

Morocco-UK Partnership Flourishes in 2023
Thursday 28 December 2023 - 11:45

The year 2023 witnessed a momentous stride forward in the enduring partnership between Morocco and the United Kingdom. This historic alliance is characterized by dynamic and mutually beneficial relations that span various dimensions.

At the 4th Strategic Dialogue held in Rabat in May, leaders from both nations reasserted the robust and comprehensive nature of their bilateral ties. Discussions encompassed crucial realms such as politics, diplomacy, economy, and security, highlighting the shared satisfaction with the progress made thus far. The occasion also marked the signing of a new Strategic Cooperation Framework, centering on climate action, clean energy, and green growth issues poised to shape the future trajectory of the relationship.

In the realm of tourism, a groundbreaking 5-year agreement was forged between Morocco's National Tourist Office and the UK operator JET2. This agreement sets the stage for Morocco to solidify its standing as a premier destination. Plans are underway for up to 28 flights per week, directly connecting the UK to Morocco. In the education sector, several new British schools were established under the British Schools Agreement. Additionally, a forthcoming Casablanca campus will host faculties of business and engineering from Coventry University, delivering accredited UK programs.

The cultural landscape buzzed with activities, including a notable Moroccan presence at London's 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair. The Tate St Ives launched an exhibition delving into Casablanca's École des Beaux-Arts and Morocco's post-independence creative renaissance. Focus London provided a platform for the Moroccan film industry to shine on the UK stage.

Looking ahead, the trajectory of the Morocco-UK partnership appears promising, with deepening commitments across climate, trade, education, culture, and tourism. These pillars underscore the enduring nature of this multidimensional partnership. In 2023, we witness a milestone year that consolidates eight centuries of friendship, laying the groundwork for mutually enriching cooperation in the years to come.

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