Advancing Morocco's Regional Empowerment: A Call for Swift Implementation

Advancing Morocco's Regional Empowerment: A Call for Swift Implementation
Thursday 21 December 2023 - 08:25

Morocco is intensifying its efforts to bolster regional empowerment through the advanced regionalization plan, as highlighted by top senator Enaam Mayara. Addressing a parliamentary forum last week, the Speaker of the House of Councilors called upon stakeholders to strategize ways to expedite the comprehensive rollout of advanced regionalization across the kingdom.

The advanced regionalization plan is designed to grant greater autonomy to Morocco's 12 regions, fostering economic growth and development. Mayara emphasized the pivotal role of regions in shaping Morocco's future, stressing the need for enhanced collaboration among authorities to achieve greater regional harmony.

In pursuit of this vision, the senior politician underscored the necessity to reassess public investment distribution across regions. He advocated for exploring innovative mechanisms to stimulate funding, citing recommendations from both the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) and the Court of Auditors. These recommendations focus on aligning investments with the objectives outlined in the Investment Charter.

Mayara further proposed the formalization of partnerships between the central government and regions through legislation rather than mere regulations. He stated, "The House of Councillors is actively considering legislative initiatives to institutionalize this transitional contractual approach."

Emphasizing the urgency of the matter, the speaker called for the swift adaptation of laws and competencies across ministerial departments. This adaptation is crucial for ensuring a seamless distribution of responsibilities to regional councils, a pivotal aspect of the advanced regionalization plan.

Initiated by King Mohammed VI, the advanced regionalization plan stands as a key reform aimed at empowering local governments and addressing persistent economic imbalances among Morocco's regions. As Morocco pushes forward with these initiatives, the nation is poised to chart a course towards a more harmonized and economically vibrant future.

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