US Blocks UN Resolution for Gaza Ceasefire, Drawing Global Condemnation

US Blocks UN Resolution for Gaza Ceasefire, Drawing Global Condemnation
Wednesday 21 February 2024 - 13:35

In a decisive move at the United Nations Security Council, the United States wielded its veto power once more, quashing a crucial ceasefire resolution proposed by Algeria amidst the escalating conflict in Gaza.

This marked the third occasion where the US utilized its veto authority to obstruct measures aimed at halting the relentless onslaught by the Israeli Occupation Forces on Palestinian territories.

The US envoy to the UN defended this action, contending that the proposed resolution could potentially disrupt the delicate ongoing negotiations for a truce between Israel and Hamas. Rather than fostering peace, the envoy argued, the resolution had the potential to undermine diplomatic efforts towards establishing a sustainable ceasefire agreement.

Against the backdrop of mounting aggression in Gaza, characterized by intensified Israeli assaults on civilian areas, the humanitarian toll has been staggering, with numerous casualties and widespread devastation. The civilian death toll in Gaza has now surpassed a grim milestone, exceeding 29,000 fatalities since the commencement of Israel's brutal military campaign on October 7th.

The US's use of the veto power was met with resounding condemnation from Palestinian officials and international observers alike.

President Mahmoud Abbas's office, representing the Palestinian Authority, decried the move, asserting that it effectively granted Israel an additional license to persist in its relentless aggression against Gaza. Holding the US administration culpable for endorsing Israel's barbaric attacks on civilians, the Palestinian presidency denounced the US as complicit in acts tantamount to genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes.

Joining the chorus of outrage, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez denounced the US as an accomplice in Israel's genocidal campaign against Palestine.

Hamas, a key player in the conflict, also condemned the US veto, attributing it to the Biden administration's alignment with the murderous objectives of the Israeli occupation. According to Hamas, the US's veto undermines the prospects for achieving a ceasefire and emboldens Israel to perpetrate further violence against innocent Palestinian civilians.

"The American stance effectively signals a green light for the occupation to perpetrate more massacres and inflict harm on our innocent people through bombings and starvation," remarked Hamas in a statement.

Despite mounting international pressure for humanitarian intervention and an urgent ceasefire in Gaza, the US persists in wielding its veto power in favor of Israel, dashing Palestinians' aspirations for a sustained period of peace and tranquility.

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