Benkirane's Ultimatum: A Million-Person March Looms Over Family Code Reform

Benkirane's Ultimatum: A Million-Person March Looms Over Family Code Reform
Monday 04 March 2024 - 15:15

Morocco's highly anticipated family code reforms have reignited tensions, with the leader of the country's most conservative party threatening extensive street protests against proposed changes.

Abdelilah Benkirane, Secretary General of the Justice and Development Party (PJD), escalated his rhetoric over the weekend, suggesting the possibility of organizing a million-strong march to oppose revisions aimed at strengthening women's rights.

Addressing a party gathering in Casablanca, Benkirane vehemently opposed plans to criminalize underage marriage and introduce provisions for equitable asset division in divorces.

"The Moroccan people will never accept these radical changes," he declared, arguing that thousands of young women could potentially miss out on marriage if minimum age limits are imposed.

Benkirane further argued that mandating fair financial settlements could dissuade men from marrying altogether, citing the example of footballer Cristiano Ronaldo's unmarried cohabitation to protect his wealth.

However, his denial of violence against women in Morocco contradicts official reports of over 96,000 complaints received in 2021, marking a 50% year-on-year increase, with nearly 34,000 involving injuries lasting less than 20 days.

The PJD leader has repeatedly clashed with Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi over calls for "individual freedom" as part of the reforms. Benkirane contends that such calls contradict both religious principles and royal directives favored by citizens.

As the most conservative faction, the PJD advocates for stricter adherence to Islamic law and rejects the advocacy of gender equality in favor of differential "justice" for men and women.

With political tensions escalating ahead of a critical vote, Morocco's progress in empowering women faces strong opposition from traditionalists vehemently opposed to any erosion of patriarchal norms.

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