Morocco Advocates Political Dialogue as Crucial to Resolving Israel-Palestine Conflict

Morocco Advocates Political Dialogue as Crucial to Resolving Israel-Palestine Conflict
Friday 23 February 2024 - 17:16

Morocco is amplifying its call for a negotiated two-state solution to end the protracted Israel-Palestine conflict in a recent submission to the International Court of Justice. In a written appeal to the court, Moroccan Ambassador to The Hague, Mohamed Basri, advocated for resuming political talks grounded in relevant UN resolutions.

This plea comes amidst ongoing ICJ hearings on the legality of Israel's prolonged occupation of Palestinian territories, which have garnered participation from 52 nations. Basri attended oral arguments presented by Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Maliki and subsequently submitted Morocco's formal position.

In its submission, Morocco reaffirmed its commitment to Palestinian statehood and emphasized the significance of Jerusalem's status. The plea underscored the necessity of establishing a viable Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem designated as its capital. Rabat also endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative's vision for a Palestinian state coexisting peacefully alongside Israel.

However, Morocco cautioned against Israel's expansion of settlements, asserting that such actions undermine the two-state framework and serve as a barrier to peace. The North African nation argued that dialogue, as outlined in UN resolutions 242 and 338, remains the cornerstone for achieving lasting peace and stability in the volatile region.

Amidst ongoing deadly attacks by Israeli forces on Gaza, massive protests have erupted worldwide, demanding an end to the violence. While facing pressure to sever ties with Israel, Morocco has thus far maintained the relations established in 2020 through the Abraham Accords. Nevertheless, the court plea signals Rabat's firm stance in favor of a negotiated settlement that respects Palestinian rights and aspirations.

According to Morocco, only renewed political engagement within the UN framework can bring about a resolution to the conflict. The nation is championing dialogue as the most reliable path to justice, self-determination, and an end to over half a century of hostility and suffering in the region.

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