Press Review - Monday, May 20, 2024

Press Review - Monday, May 20, 2024
Monday 20 May 2024 - 10:00

Rural Tourism in Morocco Gets a Boost as SMIT and Club Med Join Forces

The Moroccan Society of Tourism Engineering (SMIT) and Club Med have entered into a strategic partnership agreement aimed at promoting rural tourism in Morocco. This partnership aligns with the new tourism roadmap for 2023-2026, specifically focusing on the "Intangible Heritage" sector.

As part of this collaboration, an initial phase spanning from 2024 to 2026 will see the tourism development of four Moroccan villages. The goal is to make rural tourism more inclusive by encouraging the involvement of local communities, promoting local products, and positioning Moroccan rural villages on the international tourism stage.

SMIT and Club Med will provide tangible support to the selected villages through various initiatives:

- Improvement of accommodation and hospitality infrastructure
- Training of local populations in tourism-related professions
- Promotion of local products and cultural heritage
- Marketing of villages in national and international markets

This partnership aims to develop authentic and environmentally respectful rural tourism. The objective is to showcase the natural and cultural assets of Moroccan villages while preserving their identity and traditional way of life.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco


World Bee Day: Moroccan Apiculture Threatened After Seven Years of Drought

As the world celebrates World Bee Day on May 20, the Moroccan apiculture sector faces a deep crisis due to seven consecutive years of drought. The scarcity of vegetation and flowers has led to a drastic decline in honey production and significant bee colony losses.

Moroccan beekeepers rely entirely or partially on honey production for their income. The current drought thus threatens their livelihoods and those of their families.

In 2022, national honey production decreased by approximately 70% due to bee colony collapses. The situation has not significantly improved in 2023, prompting beekeepers to stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Agriculture in Rabat.

While April's spring rains have replenished reservoirs, the effects of drought on vegetation and flowers are still evident. Experts anticipate another decline in honey production this year.

Source: L'Opinion


Omar Hilale Condemns Algerian Pressure and Reaffirms Moroccan Sovereignty over the Sahara at C24

During the Committee of 24 (C24) seminar in Caracas from May 14 to 16, 2024, Morocco's Ambassador to the UN, Omar Hilale, strongly denounced the pressures and intimidations exerted by his Algerian counterpart, Amar Benjama, on delegations supporting the Moroccan position on the Sahara issue.

Hilale labeled these actions as "diplomatic terrorism" and reiterated that C24 meetings have always been spaces of respected freedom of expression for all. He criticized the Algerian ambassador's behavior, noting that instead of addressing questions regarding his country's responsibility in the Sahara dispute, he resorted to intimidation tactics.

The Moroccan diplomat also criticized Algeria's interference in sovereign decisions of states and exposed the blackmail practices exerted by Algiers on friendly countries at the Security Council. He emphasized that such actions are not surprising coming from a country regularly criticized for its human rights violations.

Furthermore, Hilale reaffirmed Morocco's unwavering support for the Palestinian cause while criticizing Algeria's hypocritical stance, which prohibits its people from demonstrating in favor of Palestine.

Source: Al Bayane


GITEX AFRICA Morocco 2024: Propelling Africa into a New Digital Era

GITEX AFRICA Morocco 2024, the largest technology and startup exhibition in Africa, is witnessing a remarkable annual growth of 70%. This significant event positions Africa as a key player in establishing a self-sustaining digital dynasty, according to the organizers.

Africa's rapid rise as an emerging international power in digital transformation, coupled with the vast global opportunities presented by artificial intelligence, is poised to trigger a new era of collaboration between the public and private sectors in terms of investment.

The second edition of GITEX AFRICA Morocco, scheduled from May 29 to 31, 2024, in Marrakech, will bring together global leaders, government experts, businesses, tech giants, startups, investors, and academics from 130 countries. The objective is to catalyze partnerships and foster future ambitions of a continent determined to boost its economy through entrepreneurial innovation.

Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, GITEX AFRICA Morocco is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, in partnership with the Digital Development Agency (ADD). This flagship event of African technology is orchestrated by KAOUN International, a foreign subsidiary of the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC), which also organizes GITEX GLOBAL in the United Arab Emirates, considered the world's largest and most reliable technology and startup event.

Source: Al Bayane


Reforming Butane Gas Subsidy System: A Step towards Sustainable Financing of Social Programs

Starting May 20, 2024, the Moroccan government has initiated a partial reform of the butane gas price subsidy system. This decision aims to rationalize public spending while ensuring the continuity of essential social programs.

The reform entails a reduction in the subsidy granted for butane gas cylinders. Consequently, the subsidy for the 3 kg cylinder decreases by 2.5 DH, and that of the 12 kg cylinder decreases by 10 DH. This measure targets wealthier households while preserving the purchasing power of the most vulnerable families.

The resources freed up by this partial reform will be redirected to finance social programs, notably the direct aid program "RAMED," which targets over 3.6 million impoverished families. This measure aligns with the government's commitment to strengthen social protection and reduce inequalities.

The reform of the butane gas subsidy system is based on the framework law on social protection and the state budget for the year 2024. The government has allocated 80 billion dirhams by 2026 to finance social programs, with a portion coming from this reform.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Interior Ministry Unveils National Strategy to Modernize Municipal Market Facilities

The Ministry of the Interior is set to launch a national strategy aimed at modernizing and rationalizing the development of municipal market facilities across the Kingdom. This initiative, focusing on wholesale fruit and vegetable markets, slaughterhouses, and weekly markets, aims to meet the current and future needs of different regions of Morocco.

The first step of this strategy involves establishing an accurate inventory of existing municipal market facilities in the twelve regions of the country. This analysis will identify the malfunctions and challenges faced by these infrastructures, particularly in terms of organization, maintenance, and management.

Based on this assessment, regional development schemes for municipal market facilities will be developed using a participatory approach. This process will involve all relevant stakeholders, including local authorities, the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture, the Moroccan Logistics Development Agency, and representatives of professionals and users of these facilities.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


ONDA's Remarkable Success in 2023: 27 Million Passengers and a Revenue of 4.7 Billion DH

The National Airports Office (ONDA) concluded the year 2023 with remarkable results, marked by record air traffic and solid financial performance. During the board meeting held on December 18, 2023, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mr. Mohammed Abdeljalil, the final accounts of the fiscal year were approved, and the highlights of the year were reviewed.

In 2023, ONDA welcomed over 27 million passengers, surpassing projections and showing an 8% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels. This record traffic reflects the robust recovery of the aviation sector in Morocco and the renewed confidence of travelers in Moroccan airports.

Alongside the traffic increase, ONDA recorded a revenue of 4.7 billion DH, marking an 11% increase compared to 2019 and a 22% increase compared to 2022. This solid financial performance reflects ONDA's sound and proactive management, as well as the diversification of its activities.

The year 2023 saw the strengthening of Morocco's air connectivity, with the creation of 67 new international routes compared to 2019 and 16 new international airlines serving the country. This global outreach contributes to Morocco's attractiveness as a tourist and business destination.

In terms of infrastructure, 2023 witnessed the completion and commissioning of several significant projects, including the new runway at Tetouan Sânier R'mel Airport, the new arrival zone at Casablanca Mohammed V Airport, and the redevelopment of Terminal 1 at Tangier Ibn Battuta Airport. These investments aim to enhance passenger service quality and address the growing traffic demand.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara


Morocco and the Netherlands Commit to Cooperation in Renewable Energies and Green Hydrogen

Morocco and the Netherlands have reached a significant milestone in their bilateral cooperation in renewable energies and green hydrogen. On the sidelines of the 2024 World Hydrogen Summit held in Rotterdam from May 13 to 15, Mrs. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, and Rob Jetten, Minister of Climate and Energy Policy, Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands, signed an ambitious action plan for the period 2024-2025.

This action plan aims to strengthen the partnership between the two countries in several key areas, including:

- Sharing knowledge and best practices regarding strategies and legislation related to renewable energies and green hydrogen.
- Promoting collaboration between Moroccan and Dutch companies to develop joint projects in these fields.
- Enhancing international green hydrogen supply chains.

This cooperation is particularly important as Morocco and the Netherlands share common ambitions in energy transition. Morocco aims to produce 52% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, while the Netherlands targets 100% renewable energy by 2050.

These articles are an impressive mix of economic achievements, diplomatic collaborations, and cultural events, all reflecting Morocco's dynamism and commitment to progress.

Source: Aujourd'hui le Maroc

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