Moroccan Singer Latifa Raafat Entangled in Audio Leak Controversy

Moroccan Singer Latifa Raafat Entangled in Audio Leak Controversy
Tuesday 14 May 2024 - 15:20

Renowned Moroccan singer Latifa Raafat made an appearance before the investigative judge at the Casablanca Court of Appeal on Monday afternoon, marking a significant development in a case that has gripped the attention of the Moroccan public. Latifa Raafat's presence was prompted by her filing of a complaint against a group of individuals, both within Morocco and abroad, regarding the unauthorized release of audio recordings purportedly featuring her voice. In these recordings, she is alleged to have made derogatory remarks towards national figures and public institutions.

Accompanied by her legal team, Latifa Raafat briefly addressed the media, asserting her right to civil redress with the statement, "Not everyone who attends court is guilty." However, she expressed regret for her inability to provide further comments, citing her ongoing recovery from recent neck surgery.

Abdelfattah Zahrach, Raafat's lawyer, clarified that her appearance before the investigative judge aimed to establish her status as a claimant of civil rights. Zahrach emphasized that this case is distinct from the notorious "Escobar of the Desert" affair, explaining, "The investigation is ongoing because she was a witness in the 'Escobar of the Desert' case and subsequently became the target of a concerted attack orchestrated by various parties and a network specialized in blackmail and threats, led by the mastermind Idriss F."

According to Zahrach, the case was referred to the National Judicial Police Squad at the instruction of the Public Prosecution. It was revealed that the accused, apprehended based on an international warrant issued by the Moroccan judiciary in Italy, operates a network involved in the current case, with one defendant currently in custody.

Zahrach further disclosed that "the accused in custody was introduced by Idriss F. to Latifa as an officer," urging authorities to apprehend the remaining individuals involved.

Highlighting his client's integrity, Zahrach stated that despite facing blackmail, Raafat "refused to betray her country and its national values and instead opted to follow legal procedures after being threatened with millions of dirhams."

Sources close to the investigation indicate that Latifa Raafat provided her statements regarding the audio recordings, which were disseminated on social media by accounts linked to "Idriss F.," currently residing in Italy and wanted by Moroccan authorities for various offenses including insulting constitutional institutions and defamation.

These sources also implicate individuals from the artistic community, led by composer "Badreddine," as suspects in leaking the recordings to parties hostile to national institutions and personalities, with the intention to cause harm.

As the investigation led by the Public Prosecution progresses, it is anticipated that several well-known figures may face consequences in the coming days.

A source close to Latifa Raafat asserts that the attributed audio recordings were "fabricated" with the intention of insulting national institutions and personalities.

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