Morocco Stands Firm on UAE's Sovereignty Claims in Territorial Dispute

Morocco Stands Firm on UAE's Sovereignty Claims in Territorial Dispute
Thursday 17 - 17:00

In a significant diplomatic move, Morocco has reiterated its unwavering support for the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) territorial claims over three disputed islands in the Persian Gulf. The declaration was made during a session of the United Nations General Assembly's Fourth Committee in New York.

Omar Hilale, Morocco's Permanent Representative to the UN, emphasized the Kingdom's "firm and constant support" for the UAE's territorial integrity and permanent sovereignty over the islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa. These islands have been a point of contention between the UAE and Iran, with the latter currently occupying them.

Hilale further expressed Morocco's backing for the UAE's call to end Iran's occupation of the islands. The ambassador outlined two potential paths forward: direct negotiations between the parties involved or referring the matter to the International Court of Justice for resolution.

This statement underscores the strong diplomatic ties between Morocco and the UAE, as well as Morocco's active role in supporting territorial integrity issues on the international stage. The ongoing dispute over these strategically located islands continues to be a significant factor in regional geopolitics and international maritime law.

As this situation develops, it remains to be seen how Iran will respond to this renewed call for resolution and whether international bodies will play a more active role in mediating the dispute.

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