Morocco Challenges UNHCR's Inaction on Tindouf Camps Crisis

Morocco Challenges UNHCR's Inaction on Tindouf Camps Crisis
08:50 Journalists: Dakir Madiha

In an unprecedented move, Morocco has called for a vote on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 2025 annual budget, marking the first such occurrence in the organization's 75-year history. This action, taken during the 75th session of the UNHCR's Executive Committee in Geneva, underscores Morocco's growing frustration with the agency's perceived inaction regarding the humanitarian crisis in the Tindouf camps.

The Tindouf camps, located in southwestern Algeria, have long been a point of contention in the Sahara dispute. Morocco has consistently criticized the UNHCR for failing to fulfill its mandate, particularly concerning the registration of the camp's population. The Moroccan government argues that the UNHCR has provided contradictory and inflated figures about the number of residents, which do not meet international registration standards.

Despite efforts by various UN bodies to address the challenges faced by the Sahrawi people, reports of severe human rights violations persist. These include widespread malnutrition, leading to health issues such as anemia among children and pregnant women. The situation is further complicated by Algeria's refusal to allow a census to accurately assess the number of refugees, currently estimated at around 90,000.

Morocco's permanent mission to the UN has voiced strong concerns over what it perceives as the UNHCR's departure from its core mission of protecting those held in the Tindouf camps. The country alleges that the populations in these camps are controlled by armed militias and denied basic rights, including freedom of movement. Furthermore, Morocco accuses Algeria of transferring sovereignty and legal responsibility over the camps to these militias, jeopardizing the safety and rights of the inhabitants.

Another major issue raised by Morocco is the recruitment of children by Polisario Front militias, a long-standing concern that the UNHCR has allegedly failed to address. Reports of arbitrary detentions, forced family separations, and general insecurity in the camps have also been highlighted as contributing factors to the ongoing vulnerability of the populations.

By initiating this vote, Morocco aims to pressure the UNHCR to fully assume its responsibilities and implement necessary corrective measures. The country is calling for immediate international action to address the violations in the Tindouf camps and ensure the protection of their residents.

Morocco's stance on this issue is bolstered by its own globally recognized refugee protection policies. The country asserts that it employs legitimate methods to ensure its voice is heard and its legally justified demands are acknowledged when fundamental principles are at stake.

The situation in the Tindouf camps remains a pressing concern, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressing worry over the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in his latest report on Sahara. Human rights NGOs have also intensified their calls for greater international pressure on Algeria to safeguard the rights of Sahrawis held in these camps.

As this diplomatic challenge unfolds, the international community watches closely to see how the UNHCR will respond to Morocco's demands and whether this unprecedented vote will lead to meaningful action in addressing the long-standing humanitarian crisis in the Tindouf camps.

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