France's Bold New Stance on Sahara: Political Reactions Unveiled

France's Bold New Stance on Sahara: Political Reactions Unveiled
Wednesday 31 July 2024 - 14:50

As France aligns its position with major global powers like the United States and Spain, the international consensus supporting Morocco’s Autonomy Plan for Sahara continues to gain momentum.

In a historic diplomatic shift, French President Emmanuel Macron officially recognized Morocco’s sovereignty over Sahara in a message to King Mohammed VI, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the King's ascension to the throne. This landmark decision has stirred significant reactions from prominent French politicians and officials, underscoring its importance for both nations.

A Long-Awaited Shift

Gérard Larcher, President of the French Senate, was among the first to commend the announcement, emphasizing the necessity of France acknowledging the "realities" on the ground and ending its ambiguous stance on the regional dispute.

  “It was time to take into account the realities and get out of a sterile ambiguity. This evolution is the fruit of a long maturation,” Larcher stated, highlighting the critical need for France's decision.

Rachida Dati, the Minister of Culture, present in Morocco for the Throne Day celebrations, described the announcement as a “historic moment” and a major positive development bolstering Morocco’s sovereignty.

  “The position of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, is a major and positive evolution that reinforces the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco,” Dati declared.

She praised the joint efforts of King Mohammed VI and President Macron in forging an ambitious vision for the two nations, emphasizing their shared future across the Mediterranean.

  “Tributes must be paid to His Majesty King Mohammed VI and to the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron for their ambitious visions for our two peoples who know that, from one shore of the Mediterranean to the other, our future can only be common,” Dati affirmed.

Former Transport Minister Frédéric Cuvillier applauded the clarification of France’s position, aligning with Morocco’s Autonomy Plan proposed since 2007.

  “I welcome the clarification of France’s position expressed by the President of the Republic, supporting the future of Sahara in accordance with the negotiated autonomy plan proposed by Morocco since 2007,” Cuvillier stated.

Thierry Mariani, a European Parliament member from the National Rally party, criticized the delay in adopting this stance but acknowledged its alignment with France’s European and American partners.

  “Finally! After 7 wasted years, Macron decides to recognize the ‘Moroccanness’ of Sahara. A position that Marine Le Pen, like myself, has always defended. Morocco remains France’s best partner in the Maghreb and an example of development for the region,” Mariani posted on X.

Eric Ciotti, president of Les Républicains, expressed his delight at President Macron’s new stance on Sahara.

  “As a historical defender of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, I welcome President Macron’s evolution on this essential subject,” Ciotti wrote on social media.

He called for ending years of “unnecessary vexations, unreadable strategy, and absurd hostility towards our historical ally. Long live the friendship between France and Morocco.”

Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally party, also welcomed the decision, noting that it had taken too long.

  “The French government has waited far too long to recognize Morocco’s constant commitment for decades in stabilizing and securing Sahara, an integral part of the Cherifian kingdom,” Le Pen stated on social media.

  “We must support all pragmatic initiatives by the Moroccan authorities that will consolidate the pacification of this territory, which is the guarantor of its development,” she added.

Affirmation of Convictions

Stéphane Séjourné, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, affirmed that President Macron’s words reflect France’s conviction and define the direction of relations with Morocco in all domains.

  “The present and future of the Sahara are part of Moroccan sovereignty. These are the words of the President of the Republic, and it is France’s conviction,” Séjourné said during a reception at the Moroccan Embassy in Paris.

He added that France has always stood by Morocco on this national security issue for the kingdom.

  “This course is natural with the clarity and constancy of France’s position,” Séjourné added.

Karim Ben Cheikh, a member of parliament representing the 9th constituency for French citizens abroad, praised the “clarification” brought by President Macron, viewing it as a significant step towards strengthening the partnership between France and Morocco.

  “France supports the autonomy plan within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty, ‘the only basis for a political solution’ under the aegis of the UN,” Ben Cheikh said on X.

Estelle Youssouffa, a French member of parliament, saw the decision as a significant reinforcement of Franco-Moroccan ties, essential for the future of both nations.

  “A historic turning point in relations between France and Morocco with the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty in the Sahara by Emmanuel Macron: a crucial step to strengthen the ties between our two countries,” Youssouffa wrote on social media.

Montpellier Mayor Michaël Delafosse expressed strong support for the new directive in French foreign policy concerning the Moroccan Sahara.

  “I want to salute this important position, necessary and expected, of the head of state in the name of France with regard to Morocco,” Delafosse tweeted.

French member of parliament Pierre-Henri Dumont shared a similar sentiment, stating that this historic decision will bring peace to the region and strengthen the relationship between France and Morocco.

A New Era in Franco-Moroccan Relations

As France aligns its position with that of other major countries such as the United States and Spain, the international consensus supporting Morocco’s Autonomy Plan continues to grow. This historic shift in French policy is expected to pave the way for a definitive and rapid resolution to the long-standing dispute over Sahara, while simultaneously strengthening the deep-rooted ties between France and Morocco.

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