Moroccan Economic Landscape: Dissatisfaction Prevails, Yet Optimism Glimmers

Moroccan Economic Landscape: Dissatisfaction Prevails, Yet Optimism Glimmers
Monday 17 June 2024 - 14:13

Amidst the lingering reverberations of the coronavirus pandemic, a recent survey conducted by the Arab Barometer has unveiled a disheartening reality: only one-third of Moroccans hold a positive view of their nation's economic situation. This sobering statistic resonates through the findings of the survey, which spanned from December 2023 to January 2024 and encompassed a diverse sample of 2,411 randomly selected citizens from across Morocco's regions.

The survey's results paint a vivid picture of the enduring financial pressures that have cast a shadow over the Moroccan populace, attributing the low confidence in the national economy to the aftermath of the pandemic. Notably, the 33% of respondents who rated the Moroccan economy as "very good" or "good" represents a stark contrast to the 66% who viewed the economy positively in 2016, underscoring the significant decline in economic perceptions over the years.

However, the survey's findings extend beyond mere statistics, unveiling the intricate tapestry of socioeconomic disparities that color the nation's economic landscape. Education and financial stability emerge as significant determinants, with a staggering 51% of Moroccans who can comfortably cover their expenses viewing the economy favorably, compared to a mere 18% of those grappling with financial constraints. Moreover, the chasm widens further when factoring in education, with 47% of college-educated individuals rating the economy positively, while only 28% of those with lower educational attainment share this sentiment.

Amid the prevailing dissatisfaction, a glimmer of optimism shines through, as approximately half of the respondents believe the economy will improve in the coming years. This hopeful outlook, with 14% expecting a significant improvement and 35% anticipating a somewhat better economic climate, represents a notable uptick from previous years, rising seven points from 2022 and a remarkable 19 points since 2018. Nonetheless, this optimism is more pronounced among those who enjoy financial stability, with 64% of this cohort expressing a positive outlook, compared to a more muted 38% among those grappling with economic hardships.

Economic inequality emerges as a pressing concern, with 39% of Moroccans perceiving a widening wealth gap since the previous year. This perception is particularly acute among those unable to cover their expenses, with 49% of this group expressing such sentiments, in contrast to a comparatively lower 25% among their more affluent counterparts.

The survey's findings also cast a spotlight on the alarming surge in food insecurity, with nearly two-thirds (63%) of Moroccans reporting instances of running out of food and lacking the financial means to replenish their supplies within the past 30 days. This staggering figure marks a dramatic escalation from the 36% reported in 2022, underscoring the urgency of addressing this issue. Compounding the crisis, more than half of the respondents (57%) identified food availability as a significant problem, while 59% expressed concerns over food affordability.

As Moroccans grapple with these economic challenges, the survey sheds light on the perceived contributing factors. While 28% of respondents cited government mismanagement as the primary culprit, 17% pointed to inflation, and only 8% attributed the issues to wealth inequality. Additionally, 16% of respondents highlighted global factors such as climate change as contributors to food insecurity, while 12% pointed to the reverberations of the war in Ukraine.

In the face of these multifaceted challenges, Moroccans find themselves divided in their assessments of the government's actions to address economic issues. Less than 30% believe the government should prioritize limiting inflation, while 20% advocate for job creation initiatives, and 14% emphasize the need for education reform.

As Morocco navigates this intricate economic landscape, the survey's findings serve as a clarion call for concerted efforts to address the prevailing dissatisfaction, bridge the socioeconomic divides, and cultivate an environment conducive to sustained economic growth and prosperity. While the glimmers of optimism offer a sliver of hope, the road ahead remains arduous, demanding unwavering commitment from all stakeholders to chart a course towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all Moroccans.

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