Combating Aridity and Salinity: Phosboucraâ Foundation and UM6P Introduce Blue Panicum for Alternative Forage Cultivation

Combating Aridity and Salinity: Phosboucraâ Foundation and UM6P Introduce Blue Panicum for Alternative Forage Cultivation
Friday 26 April 2024 - 11:45

Since its establishment in 2014, the Phosboucraâ Foundation has been dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship in the southern regions of Morocco through various programs. During the ongoing SIAM (International Agriculture Fair) in Meknes, the Phosboucraâ Foundation and UM6P (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University) hosted a seminar to evaluate the impact of blue panicum as an alternative forage crop to combat the effects of drought and salinity. This seminar highlighted the crop's potential to maintain agronomic performance, particularly in the provinces of southern and northern Morocco.

The seminar demonstrated that alternative forage crops like blue panicum are well-suited for arid and saline conditions, while also meeting a high demand for forage. This supports the case for their large-scale adoption across Morocco.

To improve and maximize productivity, the seminar emphasized the importance of adopting good agricultural practices, including root transplantation, organic amendments, NPK fertilization, intercropping, and controlling salt accumulation through leaching. These practices can enhance yield by an average of 50%.

The results of physiological trials revealed the mechanism blue panicum uses to resist salinity. The plant prevents sodium (a toxic element for most plants) from reaching the aerial parts by accumulating it in the root system. It also increases potassium levels in the above-ground sections of the plant.

In addition to physiological trials, zootechnical trials showed that replacing traditional feed with blue panicum helped stabilize milk production, reduced feed costs, and consequently increased farmers' incomes.

Through this seminar, the Phosboucraâ Foundation and UM6P highlighted the potential of blue panicum as a resilient forage crop, offering a promising solution for sustainable agriculture in arid and saline regions. By embracing innovative practices and alternative crops, Morocco can pave the way for a more resilient and productive agricultural sector, ensuring food security and economic prosperity despite environmental challenges.

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