
Over a Decade of Service to Casablanca's Mobility

For over a decade, Casablanca, Morocco's largest metropolis and true economic hub, has embarked on an ambitious transformation of its transportation network. This colossal project aims to address the challenges posed by the city's rapid urbanization, which has seen its population and economic......

Violent Axe Attack on Paris Train Leaves Four Injured

In a shocking incident on Monday morning, four individuals sustained injuries during a violent altercation involving an axe on the RER E train line near Paris. Reports from French media, citing police sources, indicate that the confrontation erupted among multiple participants, including minors, at approximately......

Moroccan Taxis Embrace Digital Transformation

Morocco has taken a significant step forward in modernizing its public transportation system, with taxi drivers across the country now equipped with innovative digital tablets that are revolutionizing the taxi experience. The company behind this transformation is Itechia, which recently launched the......

Ambitious National Bus Overhaul Aims to Transform Urban Mobility

Addressing urban transportation challenges in major cities, Interior Minister Abdelouafi Laftit acknowledged on Monday before the House of Representatives that current services fall short of Moroccan citizens' aspirations. To rectify this situation, an ambitious new program has been launched for......

Enhancing Casablanca's Public Transit: Integrating Networks and Updating Fares

Casablanca has taken a decisive step towards refining its public transportation infrastructure by embracing a comprehensive fare restructuring plan. This move comes in anticipation of integrating its bus rapid transit (BRT) and tram lines, marking a pivotal moment in the city's quest to improve mobility......

ONCF Announces Special Transport Plan for Aïd Al-Fitr

The Office national des chemins de fer (ONCF) has announced the implementation of a special transport plan for Aïd Al-Fitr from Friday, April 5th to Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, with the scheduling of additional trains, up to 240 trains/day. This transportation plan, which comes in anticipation of......