
Enhancing Accessibility: Morocco Introduces Mobile Consulate in Motril, Spain

The Moroccan community in and around the municipality of Motril, Spain, was welcomed by the Intercultural Centre of Motril as it hosted a visit from the mobile consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco in Almeria. In her role as Immigration Advisor to the Mayor, Inmaculada Torres elaborated on the purpose......

Rising Tensions as Moroccan Trucks Become Targets in Spanish Farming Crisis

Tensions in Catalonia surged once again yesterday as striking Spanish farmers directed their frustrations towards shipping containers from Morocco. In an act of protest, five trucks transporting beans and vegetables had their cargo dumped on the highway near Girona. This flashpoint action marks the......

Awakening the Atlantic: Impending Subduction Zone Shift at Gibraltar Strait

The destiny of the Atlantic Ocean may soon be reshaped by tectonic forces beyond its control, according to new research from the Geological Society of America. For decades, scientists have considered the Atlantic as a tranquil ocean, unaffected by the seismic activity typically associated with the Pacific's......