WFP Suspends Operations in Gaza After Vehicle Targeted by Gunfire

 WFP Suspends Operations in Gaza After Vehicle Targeted by Gunfire
Thursday 29 August 2024 - 07:33

The World Food Programme (WFP) has halted all staff movements in Gaza following an alarming incident where one of its vehicles came under fire near an Israeli-controlled checkpoint. This marks the first direct attack on a WFP vehicle in the region since the beginning of the conflict 10 months ago.

The incident occurred on Tuesday night when the WFP vehicle was approaching the Wadi Gaza Bridge checkpoint. Despite being clearly marked as a humanitarian vehicle and having received the necessary clearances from the Israeli military, the vehicle was struck 10 times by Israeli gunfire, with five bullets hitting the driver's side and others targeting the front windows. Fortunately, none of the staff members on board were physically injured.

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric condemned the attack, holding Israel responsible and expressing concerns about the effectiveness of the current coordination systems designed to protect humanitarian workers. "This is the latest incident to underscore that systems in place for coordination are not working," Dujarric stated. He emphasized the need for improved measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

The vehicle involved in the attack was part of a convoy returning from a mission to Karem Abu Salem (referred to as Kerem Shalom in Israel), where WFP armoured vehicles had been escorting trucks carrying humanitarian aid to central Gaza. The WFP had coordinated the convoy’s movements with the Israeli military, following standard procedures for securing safe passage.

WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain expressed outrage over the attack, describing it as "unacceptable" and highlighting it as the latest in a series of incidents that have put WFP personnel at risk in Gaza. McCain criticized the current deconfliction system, stating, "As last night’s events show, the current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer."

In light of this incident, the WFP is calling on Israeli authorities and all parties involved in the conflict to prioritize the safety and security of all aid workers operating in Gaza. Although the WFP has encountered security challenges throughout the war, this event represents a significant escalation, raising concerns about the safety of humanitarian operations in the region.

The suspension of WFP staff movements underscores the growing risks faced by humanitarian organizations attempting to deliver aid in conflict zones. As the situation in Gaza remains tense, the WFP’s decision highlights the urgent need for effective measures to ensure the protection of aid workers and the continuity of life-saving missions.

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