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Tensions in the Atlantic: Spain Monitors Moroccan Naval Exercises Near Sahara

Thursday 08 August 2024 - 09:45
Tensions in the Atlantic: Spain Monitors Moroccan Naval Exercises Near Sahara

The Moroccan Royal Navy has scheduled a series of military exercises off the coast of Laayoune, sparking concern from Spain's left-wing political party, Sumar. However, Spain's Foreign Ministry has provided assurances to quell the party's fears, emphasizing that these exercises pose no threat.

According to the Spanish news agency EFE, the Foreign Ministry is aware of the planned maneuvers by the Moroccan Navy in the waters adjacent to Sahara and has stated there is "no cause for alarm." Scheduled from September 1 to December 31, these exercises have been communicated by Morocco through standard channels to ensure the safety of air and maritime spaces.

The operations will take place approximately 140 kilometers from the Canary Islands' coast, specifically near Fuerteventura. Despite the lack of immediate concern, Spanish authorities have committed to ongoing monitoring through their services and embassy in Rabat, EFE reports.

Spanish military sources confirmed to EFE that the exercises are set to occur outside the territorial waters of the Canary Islands. Meanwhile, Sumar, a coalition aligned with the Polisario Front, has launched a disinformation campaign in the Canary Islands, suggesting potential threats to marine life in the area.

This response underscores the delicate balance of regional relations and the vigilance required to maintain security and environmental integrity in international waters.

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