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Sweltering Heatwave Triggers Massive Power Outages in the Balkans

Friday 21 June 2024 - 14:10
Sweltering Heatwave Triggers Massive Power Outages in the Balkans

In a dramatic turn of events, a severe heatwave sweeping across the Balkans has pushed the region's power grid to its limits, resulting in widespread electricity outages on Friday. As temperatures soared to unprecedented levels, utility companies struggled to meet the surging demand, leaving vast areas in the dark.

Montenegro's Minister of Energy and Mining, Sasa Mujovic, confirmed that the power disruption was directly linked to the ongoing heatwave, citing a sudden surge in consumption due to the soaring temperatures.

With the capital Podgorica reaching a sweltering 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 Fahrenheit) on Friday afternoon, the country's main electricity provider reported that large swaths of the Adriatic nation were left without power.

In neighboring Croatia, extensive coastal areas in the southern Dalmatia region were also plunged into darkness, according to local media reports.

"The power outage in parts of Croatia was caused by international disturbances affecting several countries," stated the Croatian national electricity company (HEP) in a statement broadcasted by the public channel HRT.

"HEP has mobilized all its production capacities to ensure the supply of electricity in Croatia as soon as possible," the statement added.

The situation was no different in Bosnia, where the capital Sarajevo was also left without electricity.

"The exact cause of the outage is still unknown, but we presume it is due to an overload in consumption," said Midheta Kurspahic, a spokesperson for the Electricity Company of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In Albania, Florian Seriani, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Transport and Energy, confirmed that the power disruption was related to regional outages.

As the Balkans grapple with the relentless heatwave, the widespread power outages have underscored the vulnerability of the region's energy infrastructure to extreme weather events. With temperatures expected to remain high in the coming days, utility companies face a daunting challenge in restoring stable electricity supplies while managing the unprecedented demand fueled by millions seeking relief from the scorching heat.

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