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Shein Uncovers Child Labor in Supply Chain, Tightens Policies Amid Scrutiny

Friday 23 August 2024 - 10:30
Shein Uncovers Child Labor in Supply Chain, Tightens Policies Amid Scrutiny

Chinese fast fashion giant Shein has revealed two instances of child labor within its supply chain in 2023, as detailed in the company's latest sustainability report. This disclosure comes at a crucial time for the company, which is reportedly preparing for a potential stock market debut.

The company stated that it swiftly addressed the situations by temporarily suspending orders from the implicated suppliers. Business relations were only resumed after the suppliers implemented enhanced measures to address the issue. Shein explained, "Both cases were resolved promptly, with remediation steps including terminating contracts with underage employees, ensuring the payment of any outstanding wages, arranging medical checkups, and facilitating repatriation to parents or legal guardians as needed."

In response to these findings, Shein has implemented stricter supplier policies. The new regulations stipulate that any violations involving child labor or forced labor will result in immediate contract termination. The company reported that these two cases were identified during the first nine months of 2023, with no further instances discovered in the final quarter of the year.

This disclosure coincides with reports that Shein is laying the groundwork for a potential initial public offering (IPO). Sources suggest that the company has already filed preliminary documents for a listing on the London Stock Exchange earlier this year.

However, Shein’s path to going public may face challenges. In June, Marco Rubio, a leading Republican on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, wrote to then-UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, expressing "grave ethical concerns" about Shein's "deep ties to the People's Republic of China." Rubio's letter bluntly stated, "Slave labor, sweatshops, and trade tricks are the dirty secrets behind Shein's success."

In response to these allegations, a Shein spokesperson affirmed, "Shein has a zero-tolerance policy for forced labor, and we are committed to respecting human rights. We take visibility across our entire supply chain seriously, and we require our contract manufacturers to source cotton only from approved regions."

Shein's labor practices have been under intense scrutiny. A report by Swiss advocacy group Public Eye, released just weeks before Rubio's letter, claimed that excessive overtime remains prevalent for many workers in Shein's supply chain. Addressing these concerns, Shein told the BBC that it is "working hard" to address the issues raised by Public Eye and has made "significant progress in improving conditions."

As Shein navigates these challenges, the fashion industry and investors will be closely monitoring how the company balances its rapid growth with ethical labor practices and supply chain transparency. The outcome of these efforts could significantly impact Shein’s future, including its potential stock market debut and its standing in the global fast fashion market.

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