Red Med Capital and Red Med Asset Management Awarded CGEM CSR Label

Red Med Capital and Red Med Asset Management Awarded CGEM CSR Label
Tuesday 21 November 2023 - 12:00

In recognition of their commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR), Red Med Capital and Red Med Asset Management, subsidiaries of the Red Med Group, have been granted the CSR Label by the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM). This acknowledgment follows a meeting of the CGEM's CSR Label Attribution Committee.

The CGEM's CSR Label is a testament to the dedication of these companies to social responsibility within a framework of comprehensive management and strategic planning that considers the interests and expectations of various stakeholders.

Awarded for a duration of three years, the CSR Label is bestowed by the President of the Confederation based on recommendations from the Attribution Committee, following a managerial evaluation conducted by a third-party expert accredited by the CGEM.

The purpose of the evaluation is to ensure the overall management of the company aligns with the objectives outlined in the CGEM's CSR Charter, serving as the benchmark for the Label. The charter revolves around nine commitment areas, aligning with national social legislation and universal goals of social and societal responsibility. It underscores the companies' dedication to ethical business practices and community engagement.

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