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Morocco to Host Next Session of Executive Council of Islamic Affairs

Monday 05 August 2024 - 14:00
Morocco to Host Next Session of Executive Council of Islamic Affairs

Morocco’s Commitment to Promoting Coexistence and Interfaith Dialogue Recognized

The 14th Executive Council of the Conference of Ministers of Islamic Affairs in the Islamic World has chosen Morocco as the host for its next session, underscoring the country’s dedication to fostering coexistence and interfaith dialogue globally.

This decision was made during a meeting held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Saturday. The council, comprising representatives from eight member countries—Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Gambia, Kuwait, and Egypt unanimously selected Morocco as the venue for the forthcoming session.

The announcement was made ahead of the 9th Conference of Ministers of Islamic Affairs in the Islamic World, organized by the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The conference saw participation from ministers, Islamic council presidents, and scholars from 62 countries, highlighting the significance of the event on a global scale.

The upcoming session in Morocco is expected to serve as a vital platform for dialogue, featuring ten sessions dedicated to themes such as renewing religious discourse to promote moderation, combating extremism, terrorism, and hate speech. Additionally, it aims to foster common human values, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence.

Morocco has long been an advocate for these ideals, particularly in promoting understanding among the three Abrahamic religions. The country has initiated several programs to advance tolerance and interfaith dialogue.

In March 2015, Morocco inaugurated the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Morchidines, and Morchidates in Rabat. This institute has been instrumental in training imams from various countries, with 389 foreign imams trained in 2023 alone.

Morocco’s efforts to enhance religious ties extend across Africa and beyond. One notable initiative is the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, which includes 32 countries, further demonstrating Morocco’s commitment to fostering religious harmony and cooperation.

As the host of the next session of the Executive Council, Morocco continues to solidify its role as a beacon of coexistence and interfaith dialogue in the Islamic world.

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