Morocco's Diplomatic Triumph: Growing Support for Autonomy Plan Isolates Algeria

Morocco's Diplomatic Triumph: Growing Support for Autonomy Plan Isolates Algeria
Tuesday 03 September 2024 - 09:40

In a significant shift in the Sahara dispute, Morocco continues to gain international backing for its autonomy initiative, leaving Algeria increasingly isolated on the diplomatic stage. This development comes as Slovenia reaffirms its support for Morocco's position, joining a growing list of nations endorsing the North African kingdom's proposed solution.

The Slovenian foreign ministry recently clarified its stance on the Sahara issue, emphasizing its support for a UN-led process aimed at reaching a "just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution based on compromise." This statement aligns with Slovenia's earlier position, expressed in June, which described Morocco's autonomy plan as a "good basis" for resolving the long-standing dispute.

Slovenia's affirmation marks it as the 16th European Union member state to back Morocco's autonomy initiative. This growing support is part of a broader international trend, with over 100 UN member countries now expressing their approval of the Moroccan proposal.

As Morocco's diplomatic efforts bear fruit, Algeria finds itself increasingly isolated on the international stage. In response, the Algerian regime has intensified its efforts to challenge Morocco's territorial integrity, resorting to what some observers describe as manipulative tactics and disinformation campaigns.

A recent example of this strategy occurred following a meeting between Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf and his Slovenian counterpart, Tanja Fajon, in Ljubljana. Algerian media outlets attempted to misconstrue Slovenia's position, falsely claiming that the European nation had denied Morocco's stance and instead supported the Polisario Front's self-determination claims. Slovenia promptly issued a press release to correct this misinformation and reaffirm its actual position.

The international community has increasingly come to view the concept of self-determination for Sahara as outdated and no longer viable. Instead, there is a growing consensus that a pragmatic, realistic, and mutually acceptable political solution is necessary to resolve the dispute.

Morocco's permanent representative to the UN, Omar Hilale, has frequently highlighted Algeria's attempts to promote a referendum for the Sahara, describing such efforts as futile. "The so-called referendum has been dead and buried for over two decades, with no mention in recent Security Council resolutions," Hilale stated, emphasizing that the Moroccan Autonomy Plan remains the only viable solution to the regional conflict.

As support for Morocco's position continues to grow, Algeria's diplomatic isolation deepens. The Algerian regime's recent actions, including recalling its ambassador to Paris following France's recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara, further underscore its increasing frustration and diplomatic setbacks.

This shifting landscape in North African geopolitics signals a potential resolution to one of the region's most protracted conflicts. As more countries align with Morocco's autonomy proposal, the pressure mounts on Algeria to reassess its stance and engage in constructive dialogue to achieve a lasting peace in the Sahara.

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