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Morocco and Argentina Forge Stronger Bilateral Ties

Thursday 25 July 2024 - 11:50
Morocco and Argentina Forge Stronger Bilateral Ties

Ministers Highlight Commitment to Territorial Integrity and Expanding Cooperation

In a significant diplomatic move, Morocco and Argentina have signaled the beginning of a strengthened bilateral relationship. This development unfolded during a phone conversation yesterday between Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita and his Argentine counterpart, Diana Elena Mondino.

Shared Commitment to Territorial Integrity

Both ministers emphasized their dedication to the principle of territorial integrity, reflecting a shared stance on regional stability and sovereignty. This commitment underscores the nations' unified approach to addressing and respecting each other’s territorial concerns.

Booming Trade Relations

Trade between Morocco and Argentina has seen a remarkable surge, reaching $1.5 billion in 2022, a nearly 50% increase from the previous year, according to data from Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC). This growth is fueled by a dynamic exchange of imports and exports, with significant contributions from various sectors.

Argentina has notably increased its imports from Morocco, with cars, salt, and fertilizers at the forefront. On the other hand, Moroccan exports to Argentina, particularly cereals and animal products, have surged by over 68%. This upward trend in trade is not a recent phenomenon; it represents a tripling of bilateral trade over the past five years. Consequently, Argentina has emerged as Morocco’s second-largest export destination and third-largest import source within Latin America.

Fertilizer Trade: A Strategic Focus

One of the standout aspects of this burgeoning trade relationship is Morocco’s role as Argentina’s leading fertilizer supplier in 2023, accounting for nearly half of the nation’s fertilizer needs. This pivotal development has prompted discussions about deepening strategic cooperation in the fertilizer sector, akin to Morocco's successful initiatives with India and Nigeria through investments by the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP).

Prospects for a Multifaceted Partnership

The recent dialogue between Bourita and Mondino has laid the groundwork for a comprehensive partnership between Morocco and Argentina. The flourishing trade ties, bolstered by a mutual commitment to regional stability, indicate a promising future for collaboration between the two countries.

Argentina’s increasing dependence on Moroccan fertilizer presents a unique opportunity for a strategic alliance. Such a partnership would ensure a reliable supply of essential agricultural inputs for Argentina while enhancing OCP’s influence and presence in the region.

Looking Ahead

The conversation between the foreign ministers marks a pivotal step towards a more integrated and cooperative relationship. With shared values and mutual economic interests, Morocco and Argentina are poised to explore new avenues of cooperation, potentially setting a benchmark for international partnerships in the region.

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