Moroccan Mango Imports Surpass 12,000 Tons: A Growing Trend in Consumption

Moroccan Mango Imports Surpass 12,000 Tons: A Growing Trend in Consumption
Monday 25 December 2023 - 14:10

The demand for mangoes in Morocco is witnessing a remarkable upswing. In the period spanning January to September 2023, the nation's mango imports achieved a noteworthy milestone, totaling 12,400 tons marginally less than the 12,600 tons documented in the corresponding period of the preceding year.

Despite the conducive climate for mango cultivation in Morocco, the local production of this delectable fruit remains relatively limited, according to insights from the specialized platform EastFruit. The bulk of mango imports emanate from sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Spain, Brazil, and Egypt.

It is worth highlighting that the Kingdom has demonstrated one of the most rapid growth rates in mango imports globally, underscoring the escalating demand for this tropical delight among Moroccan consumers.

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