Moroccan AI Landscape Garners International Attention as Firms Seek to Foster Ecosystem Development

Moroccan AI Landscape Garners International Attention as Firms Seek to Foster Ecosystem Development
Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 07:40

The United States is eager to collaborate closely with Morocco to facilitate trade, investment, and digital transformation, with the aim of driving economic growth. In a recent effort to explore Morocco's Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape and promote its ecosystem development, the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Morocco and tech giant Microsoft organized a roundtable discussion in Casablanca, titled "AI Morocco: Meeting the Opportunity."

"I think it's an event that is very timely, and I'm very grateful to AmCham for the opportunity to organize this kind of dialogue," remarked John Edokpolo, Lead for Corporate, External and Legal Affairs at Microsoft's Africa Regional Cluster.

The US government, represented by Aimee Cutrona, Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Morocco, expressed the country's focus on "harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, while protecting people from its potentially serious risks." To achieve this goal, Cutrona stated that the US is prepared to work closely with Morocco to ease trade and investment, and enable digital transformation to unleash economic development.

The roundtable was designed to foster a global exchange of best practices and ideas from the forefront of AI development and adoption, with a particular emphasis on the societal and economic implications of the burgeoning AI industry for the global economy. The event's ultimate objective was to compile a list of recommendations and strategies for promoting inclusive and accountable AI governance within Morocco's boundaries.

"I think these conversations were really insightful, in terms of how Morocco is thinking of creating a digital transformation plan for the country," Edokpolo said, underscoring the importance of ongoing dialogue between the private sector, government, academia, and civil society to capitalize on the opportunities presented by AI across various economic sectors.

Morocco has made notable strides in the field of AI in recent years, with the North African country increasingly embracing globalization and signaling its desire to become a regional and global hub in a wide range of industries. According to a recent Oxford Insights report, Morocco ranked 88th globally and 5th in Africa in terms of AI readiness, indicating its growing potential in this transformative technology.

The roundtable discussion marks a significant milestone in Morocco's embrace of AI, setting the stage for the country's strategic use of this game-changing technology as it navigates the AI revolution. As international firms continue to explore Morocco's AI landscape, the stage is set for further collaboration and ecosystem development, positioning the country as a rising player in the global AI arena.

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