Impact of Prolonged Drought on Morocco's Agriculture Sector in 2023

Impact of Prolonged Drought on Morocco's Agriculture Sector in 2023
Monday 08 January 2024 - 10:20

Morocco's crucial agriculture industry faced severe setbacks in 2023 due to an enduring drought that persisted throughout the year, according to new data. A report from the Higher Commission for Planning (HCP) reveals the devastating consequences of the prolonged water shortage, with the agriculture sector's contribution to Morocco's economy plummeting to 5.2% in the final quarter of 2023, marking a significant decline from 6.9% in the first quarter.

The sharp drop in productivity is attributed to exceptionally high temperatures and scarce rainfall, which adversely affected crops across multiple growing seasons. Fruits, vegetables, and livestock farming bore the brunt of the merciless weather conditions, as highlighted by the HCP. Exports of key produce such as strawberries, tomatoes, and melons declined by as much as 61.5% by the end of 2023 compared to previous years.

The same drought that stifled crop yields also rendered pastures barren and left livestock underfed. An increase in red meat production was only achieved through a surge in live animal imports in the last months of 2023. The poultry industry experienced a silver lining, as falling corn prices internationally resulted in a 33.3% reduction in the local production cost of chickens and turkeys.

However, the relief for Morocco's beleaguered farms is minimal, with chicken prices dropping by only 1.1% despite a supply increase of over 10%. This meager improvement provides little solace for beekeepers who are already grappling with the effects of colony collapse due to recent hot, dry summers. As indicated by HCP statistics, the future appears equally bleak for beekeepers, emphasizing that without adequate rainfall, the foundations of Morocco's agriculture sector will continue to erode.

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