Enhancing Lives through Community Empowerment: The Success of UM6P's Inclusive Socio-Economic Development Program

Enhancing Lives through Community Empowerment: The Success of UM6P's Inclusive Socio-Economic Development Program
Thursday 29 February 2024 - 10:15

Yesterday marked a significant milestone as the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) celebrated the graduation of its inaugural cohort from the innovative Inclusive Socio-Economic Development program. This transformative initiative, in collaboration with partners, aims to uplift vulnerable communities in Marrakech-Safi by offering entrepreneurial training, mentorship, and new avenues of opportunity.

Funded by USAID and executed in partnership with Deloitte and Enactus Morocco, the Inclusive Socio-Economic Development program (ISED-MS) endeavors to enhance the social and economic engagement of youth, women, and individuals with disabilities. By imparting essential business skills and fostering a sense of empowerment, the program equips over 150 participants annually with the necessary tools to launch businesses and enhance their livelihoods.

The recent ceremony celebrated the accomplishments of several graduates who have already translated their learnings into tangible success stories. These narratives underscore how the program has catalyzed life-changing transformations by fostering self-reliance. Mentors lauded the dedication exhibited by students during their training, while graduates attributed their ability to overcome challenges to the continued support provided by advisors.

Additionally, ISED-MS has introduced the Impact Academy, an innovative reinforcement program designed to assist individuals in the region in defining career goals and projects. Over 400 individuals have benefited from these targeted skills workshops, reporting not only improved job prospects but also enhanced confidence and expanded networks.

Through its collaborative and community-centric approach, ISED-MS serves as a testament to the potential of higher education in driving positive societal change. By nurturing entrepreneurial spirit and fostering empowerment from within, this pioneering initiative is not only enhancing lives but also bolstering Morocco's economic prospects. The program's early achievements underscore the efficacy of partnerships and a steadfast commitment to inclusive development.

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