Disturbing Discovery: Frozen Cat Corpses Found in Moroccan Landfill Ignites Public Outrage

Disturbing Discovery: Frozen Cat Corpses Found in Moroccan Landfill Ignites Public Outrage
Thursday 13 June 2024 - 09:00

Speculation swirls that frozen cat corpses found in a landfill may be linked to illegal animal testing, sorcery rituals, or the acts of a disturbed individual, sparking public outrage.

A video posted by a well-known sanitation worker in Morocco documenting his discovery of frozen cat corpses in a landfill has ignited widespread anger on social media.

Mahfoud Laafar expressed his deep shock upon finding the frozen cats and some animal body parts. He noted that the corpses bore traces of serums attached to some of their limbs, leading him to speculate they may have died in a veterinary clinic.

Laafar, who said this was the first such case he has encountered in his career, voiced concerns that the cat deaths could be the result of illegal practices.

The sanitation worker pointed out that the site where the corpses were found is equipped with surveillance cameras that may help shed light on how the cats died.

He shared the disturbing video with his social media followers, asking if they had ever witnessed a similar situation and seeking input on what could explain it.

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Followers reacted strongly to the footage, with commenters expressing dismay at the scenes of the feline corpses. Some demanded that authorities be alerted to this crime against defenseless creatures.

Others suggested a mentally disturbed individual may have committed the heinous acts, or that the cats were perhaps used in practices linked to sorcery and witchcraft.

Critics denounced the cruelty of whoever tortured these gentle animals. Many argued that even if a clinic or veterinary hospital was involved, the remains of the cats should have been handled in a manner that showed more mercy and kindness toward animals.

The municipality where the incident occurred has not yet issued any official statement. The case remains under investigation to determine who is responsible for discarding the abused cat corpses and whether any animal cruelty laws were violated in the process. Animal welfare advocates are calling for the perpetrator(s) to be held fully accountable.

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