Daily Press Review - July 5, 2024

Daily Press Review - July 5, 2024
Friday 05 July 2024 - 07:00

Morocco Foodex Mobilizes Exporters to Comply with the European Green Deal

Facing the growing evolution of environmental regulations in export markets, Morocco Foodex is organizing a support mission dedicated to Moroccan exporters. This event, to be held in Agadir on September 20-21, 2024, aims to equip them to meet the requirements of the European Green Deal and thereby strengthen the positioning of Moroccan agricultural and maritime food products in European Union markets.

This support mission will gather around 300 participants, including key players from Moroccan agri-food sectors and international experts. It will serve as a platform for exchanges and discussions to:

  • Understand the new requirements and perspectives of the European Green Deal and their impact on Moroccan exports of agricultural, maritime, and aquaculture products.
  • Share best sustainability practices and promote an eco-responsible approach within Moroccan agri-food sectors.Strengthen collaboration between Moroccan and international actors to meet market expectations and the demands of major clients.
  • As part of this mission, Morocco Foodex will also present its Eco-responsibility label, developed in collaboration with the FAO and the EBRD. This label aims to enhance Moroccan agri-food products that meet the most stringent quality and sustainability criteria, thereby boosting their competitiveness in international markets.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara

A Private 2 MW Solar Plant Set to Join the Electrical Network of El Jadida and Sidi Bennour

The Autonomous Intercommunal Authority for the Distribution of Water, Electricity, and Liquid Sanitation Management of El Jadida and Sidi Bennour (RADEEJ) is studying the possibility of integrating a private 2 MW photovoltaic solar plant into its medium-voltage network.

Following a request from a private operator, RADEEJ has initiated an orientation study to assess the feasibility of this renewable electricity injection. This study, conducted using specialized simulation software, will determine if the current electrical network can support the integration of the new solar plant without compromising the quality of electrical distribution.

The development of this plant is part of law n°13-09 on renewable energies and its application decree n°2-15-772. These texts aim to encourage electricity production from renewable sources and facilitate its gradual integration into the national electrical network.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara

Akdital Inaugurates the International Clinic of Mogador in Essaouira

The Akdital Group, a leader in private healthcare in Morocco, has marked a significant milestone in its commitment to providing quality healthcare accessible to all by inaugurating the International Clinic of Mogador, a state-of-the-art medical facility located in Essaouira.

Equipped with a capacity of 166 beds, the International Clinic of Mogador offers a comprehensive range of medical and surgical services covering a wide array of specialties. Designed according to the strictest international standards in hygiene and safety, the clinic provides patients in the region with the latest generation of equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of all types of pathologies, from the simplest to the most complex.

Source: Le Matin du Sahara

Casablanca Prepares for the FIFA World Cup 2030

The Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, chaired an extensive meeting in Casablanca on Wednesday to review the progress of the city's preparations for hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030. This meeting, part of a series of follow-up sessions, brought together all stakeholders involved in this major project, including the President of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF), Fouzi Lekjaa, and the Wali of the Casablanca-Settat region, Mohamed Mhidia.

The meeting provided an update on the development and infrastructure projects required to host this global event, in line with FIFA's standards. Special emphasis was placed on sports infrastructure, including stadiums, training sites, transportation, mobility, accommodation, connectivity, and sustainable development.

An integrated project management system was also presented during the meeting, aimed at enhancing the monitoring, supervision, and execution of the projects.

Mr. Laftit stressed the need for general mobilization and synergy among all participants to accelerate project implementation and meet the deadlines. He called for rigorous monitoring of the progress at all levels.

Source: Al Bayane

Operation Marhaba: Oujda-Angad Airport Prepares for a Warm Welcome for Moroccans Living Abroad

Since the launch of Operation Marhaba 2024, Oujda-Angad Airport has geared up to provide the warmest and smoothest welcome for Moroccans Living Abroad (MRE). Airport officials have deployed considerable resources to strengthen security, customs, and health checks while setting up dedicated teams for guiding and assisting travelers. This exemplary mobilization, in close collaboration with airlines and airport services, aims to ensure the smooth flow of passengers and their luggage.

Upon arrival, MREs and other travelers receive a special welcome and personalized assistance throughout the registration and control process. The Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, in close cooperation with airport authorities, ensures the well-being of people with special needs and the elderly, providing them with the necessary facilities for a comfortable journey.

Since June 5, the start of the operation, more than 100,000 passengers have passed through Oujda-Angad Airport, marking a significant increase of 20% compared to the same period last year and 38% compared to the reference year of 2019. These figures highlight the growing success of Operation Marhaba and the enthusiasm of MREs to return to their home country.

Source: Al Bayane

Official Launch of the General Population and Housing Census 2024

The High Commission for Planning (HCP) has kicked off the communication campaign for the 2024 General Population and Housing Census (RGPH), unveiling the new cartographic and statistical bases of Morocco's human and economic geography. These tools, developed using a mobile geographic information system (GIS mobile) and high-resolution satellite images, will play a crucial role in the success of the census.

The mapping of buildings has allowed the national territory to be divided into 38,000 census districts, ensuring exhaustive household coverage without omissions or double counts. More than 4 million buildings have been georeferenced in urban areas, and nearly 34,000 douars in rural areas.

Simultaneously, the mapping of economic and socio-cultural establishments has allowed the identification of more than 1.3 million active economic establishments, the majority (over 85%) being for-profit, as well as more than a thousand active weekly markets.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco

Casablanca Transport Modernizes HR to Meet Urban Mobility Challenges

Casablanca Transport, the public operator responsible for managing transportation in the metropolis, is launching a strategic initiative to restructure its Human Resources (HR) department. This move comes in a context marked by rapid urban population growth, increasing demand for efficient transportation services, and the need to reduce the company's ecological footprint.

Last April, Casablanca Transport announced a 4 billion dirham investment plan for the expansion of its tramway and bus network. This ambitious plan underscores the importance of a robust internal organization to support the company's strategic ambitions.

The restructuring of the HR department aims to modernize and optimize the company's internal processes. Several strategic axes will be developed, with the primary goal of enhancing the efficiency and contribution of the HR department to the success of Casablanca Transport.

Source: Les Inspirations Eco

Morocco: Ambitious Plan to Double Airport Capacity to Accommodate 80 Million Passengers by 2035

Morocco has launched an ambitious plan to double the capacity of its airports by 2035, increasing the number of passengers to 80 million per year. This major initiative is part of a comprehensive strategy to develop the national aviation sector and strengthen Morocco's position as a regional and intercontinental air hub.

This extensive plan includes the renovation of existing airports, the development of state-of-the-art air navigation equipment, and the improvement of air connectivity, including the expansion of low-cost flights. These measures aim to provide passengers with a smooth and efficient travel experience while meeting the growing demand for air transport.

Royal Air Maroc, the national airline, plays a central role in this growth strategy. The goal is to quadruple its fleet by 2037 and transform Casablanca's Mohammed V International Airport into a major intercontinental air hub. This hub will connect Morocco to major destinations worldwide, enhancing its attractiveness as a tourist and business destination.

Source: L'opinion

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