Alarming Rise in Moroccan Youth Disengagement: ESEC Unveils Staggering Figures

Alarming Rise in Moroccan Youth Disengagement: ESEC Unveils Staggering Figures
Thursday 09 May 2024 - 08:15

A sobering report presented by the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council (ESEC) reveals that approximately 1.5 million Moroccan youth are adrift, outside the realms of education, training, and employment. This alarming finding highlights a pressing issue of youth disengagement that poses a significant threat to the nation's future.

The ESEC's in-depth analysis, conducted in collaboration with various stakeholders and using input from citizens through the Ouchariko platform, paints a bleak picture of the current situation. Youth unemployment soared to 35.8% in 2023, while the activity rate dropped to a mere 22.6%.

Reda Echami, the Council's president, emphasized the severity of the situation, pointing out that about 4.3 million young Moroccans between the ages of 15 and 34 are in a similar predicament—neither in school nor enrolled in vocational training, effectively leaving them unemployed.

The report's findings call for immediate action, and the Council has presented a comprehensive set of recommendations to tackle this critical issue. Among the proposed measures are the establishment of a national information system to monitor and track NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth, the creation of an extensive network to receive and guide this demographic, and the enhancement of economic and social integration services and programs.

Echami stressed the importance of preventive measures, such as ensuring compulsory education until age 16 and providing support services for disadvantaged families to curb further youth disengagement. He also emphasized the need to harness the potential of NEET youth in a positive way, pointing out the urgency of addressing these challenges before the demographic window closes in 2040.

As Morocco grapples with this urgent issue, the ESEC's report serves as a call to action for all stakeholders to empower and reintegrate the nation's youth. This is crucial not only to safeguard the country's future prosperity but also to foster an inclusive society where no young person is left behind.

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