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African Unity Takes Center Stage: AAMA 2024 Champions Continental Solidarity and Diaspora Integration

Tuesday 03 - 11:00
African Unity Takes Center Stage: AAMA 2024 Champions Continental Solidarity and Diaspora Integration

The All-African Movement Assembly (AAMA 2024) convened in Accra from August 29 to 31, bringing together over 400 in-person participants and 1,000 virtual attendees. The event, organized by Africans Rising, focused on addressing the challenges facing civic engagement across the continent under the theme "Towards Pan-African Solidarity: United We Stand, Divided We Fall."

The assembly provided a crucial platform for dialogue on Africa's shrinking civic space, emphasizing the urgent need for collective action in the face of increasing restrictions on civil liberties, dissent, and activism. Notable figures from across Africa gathered to discuss strategies for fostering unity and collaboration among African nations and the diaspora.

Kim Pool, founder of the Teaching Artists Institute and a member of Africans Rising, highlighted the importance of integrating the African diaspora into continental initiatives. Speaking on the sidelines of the event, Pool emphasized the need for greater inclusion of diaspora members in African solidarity efforts.

"I am here in Ghana to talk about the immense power I saw, the camaraderie that they have and still hold for those of us living outside of Africa, still understanding our African identity, still working to promote and preserve the African identity in the diaspora," Pool stated.

She advocated for practical measures to enhance diaspora access to African cultural heritage, including the introduction of an African passport for diaspora members. Pool referred to the African diaspora as the "sixth region" of the continent, underscoring its significance in shaping Africa's future.

The assembly also addressed environmental concerns, with Muhammed Lamin Saidykhan, Coordinator of Funding Movement and Adviser to Africans Rising, discussing the Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty. Saidykhan outlined the treaty's three pillars: phased-out of fossil fuels, non-proliferation of new fossil fuels, and fair financial and technological support for the global south.

"We want a fair phase-out where wealthier nations phase out faster, and African countries are given time to transition due to their limited technical and financial resources," Saidykhan explained. He emphasized the need for increased endorsement of the treaty by African nations to ensure comprehensive global support.

AAMA 2024 came at a critical juncture, coinciding with rising protests in several African countries, including Senegal, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda. Within this context, the assembly highlighted the urgent demand for improved living conditions and respect for human rights across the continent.

As the gathering concluded, participants left with a renewed commitment to advocating for expanded civic space and addressing systemic issues affecting Africa's development. The assembly served as a powerful reminder of the potential for unity and collaboration in shaping a more equitable future for the continent and its diaspora.

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